Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

2 weeks holidays, when on the dole? Is this for fucking real?!

Holy fuck, we are the greatest country in the fucking world. My auld man farmed all his life, burst himself 7 days a week to build up a decent home and life for his family, and the first time he got on a plane was when in his 50s. Said he didn’t have time or the inclination to do so before.

And these fucking useless layabout cunts on the dole get two weeks a year to piss off to Spain :smiley:

Ah lads, we should be hero worshipping every government we’ve ever had for how good they are to us as far as I can see, be they FF, FG, Labour or Green. We’ve a great little country :clap:


Some lads would tell you we are right wing

It’s unbelievable. What other country in the world would consider a two week sun holiday on the tax payers dime to be completely normal? Where else in the world is welfare a full lifestyle choice?

I didn’t realise we were such an amazing country. Fuck it lads, we’re incredible.

What’s this now kid?

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On the 7th day the virus rested

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No deaths on the day a lot of the churches reopened. Coincidence? By god not.


The Donnelly effect been felt already

A lot of places

Like where?

Right wingers in oz and Britain always have that argument

At one stage kiwis could come to oz. Go on the dole and spend the summer surfing

Go shit in your hat

Everybody could do with a break.
Climb a mountain or jump in a lake.


So they’d essentially move to Oz, even if it was just for a few months? Is that still the case? Do you agree with it?

Do I agree that in the 90s kiwis could claim the dole in oz and spend the summer surfing?

Do I agree people on the dole can holiday? Yes

Ah so they closed that loophole in Oz twenty years ago. Certainly made sense to I’ve no problem with people on the dole holidaying in Ireland, but they should be taken off it while away. No need for taxes to fund foreign trips.

Ireland isn’t a great place to holiday

Look at poor @Spidey


As the former NZ PM (a Mr Muldoon, believe it or not) observed, it raised the average IQ of both countries.


We can certainly agree on that.

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