Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Privately owned stores surely can dictate who can & can’t enter their stores?

All the insecure lads on justifying themselves :rofl: :rofl:

Look, the pubs would be as well off open as to whats going on in house parties and the likes around the country.

But lads getting worked up about having to wear an auld mask, I cant get my head around that. We need the country open and moving on, these fellas want it shut down again. I suspect they simply dont want to do a bit of work.

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Yeah - you have the the right way around alright

The longest run without a case in Ireland, is over. Laois has fallen. Again.

A patient infected with Covid-19 is receiving critical care at the Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise, according to the latest daily update from the HSE.

The Covid-19 Daily Operations Update reveals that the case was confirmed on Sunday, July 19. The patient is in the hospital’s ICU. The update shows that the patient had been diagnosed by 2 pm on Sunday. There are no other suspected coronavirus cases in the hospital.

The case is just one of 10 new confirmed cases at hospitals nationally. Only six hospitals around Ireland had confirmed cases.

Did anyone actually listen to the video @Tim_Riggins put up of two EXPERTS speaking?

Sensible decision.

Italy is safer than Ireland. They have herd immunity


Masks all over the airport now. Absolutely no way that could ever pose a security risk.

What’s the story with wearing masks in a bank?

They had to give ye one in case ye started agitation for the pubs to open.




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It would be very difficult to recognize someone, and impossible to positively identify them, on CCTV if they have a mask on.

Do you reckon Daylight Bank Robberies in Ireland are about to soar?

Didnt Michael Noonan want hoddies banned st one stage for the same reason?

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No I don’t. It’s just a concern.

I’ve been wearing one at work for a while now. It’s annoyingly particularly as I keep having to adjust it due to it fogging up my glasses

You’re concerned daylight bank robberies are going to rise?

Lads are frustrated and angry and need to vent. I’m happy to be the conduit.