Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Are we going to give the day at this?

Just seems an odd thing to be concerned about. If thats all that you have bothering you, you’re doing grand.

I’m security minded I guess. I agree with masks in general, as the evidence suggests they work, and certainly in crowded areas.

I’d prefer a work around for banks and, given where I work, maybe the airport too.

Good to read - can you throw up a link to that evidence pal … I’ve heard a few experts say there’s no evidence that mask’s work -so it would be great to read a counter to that.

Did you try @Copper_pipe trick with the shaving foam?

I wonder when was the last time cash was robbed out of a bank branch in Ireland?

Is it just a face covering or does it have to be masks? Is there any standard on masks or just anything? I’ve no mask, if its legislation are shops required to provide disposable ones?

I’m going to chance a handkerchief face covering here now at the delicatessen

Will a snood do the job I reckon?

I’ve phased in mask-wearing since yesterday. It’s grand.

No cunt wearing masks there at the deli. Nothings changed lads

Snoods are a great job prefer them to a mask

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You’d see the odd tool out around London wearing a mask running

A couple in front of me earlier in the queue for Tesco not wearing masks were asked to leave upon entering the shop. And in typical Ringsend fashion 2 locals were in the queue for the till not wearing masks and not a word said to them :grin:.

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You know sometimes I wish Covid19 was more serious just to kill all these dopey cunts off.

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Live and unscientific poll, but I reckon approximately 40% wearing masks in Tesco Cabra. I’ll be honest and say I’ve forgotten mine. I will be extra vigilant with distancing

Everybody was wearing masks in my local paddy power today

Was it being robbed?


I think I’m going to buy 10 Limerick GAA snoods, especially now that the snood has gotten the all important @Tassotti validation.

Unless of course @Rocko gets a shipment of TFK branded masks, I think a TFK facemask would be the perfect reward for investing in TFK Silver Membership.

That was to maintain the value of NAMA.

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Is there herd immunity in Manchester yet?