Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Well there’s no bodies piled up outside weatherspoons

What about inside weatherspoons?

There was nearly 100% mask wearing in local supermarket on Saturday, I’d say only about 4 or 5 people not wearing them in the shop. It was getting busy too so queues were being monitored going in as well. Nothing scientific, but the difference in places I’ve been in Dublin and around Wexford are huge. It seems to be reflective too in the reported cases, but obviously the population density is greater, but even so.

I dont see the big issue with wearing a mask. Some people are uncomfortable in this whole pandemic and are scared of getting it and are doing what they can to mitigate the risks. I’m not massively bothered, but if I’m out in public areas I’ll wear it. If it makes others feel safer, then so be it. If i’m outside in the company of someone who wants to wear one, I’ll put one on too. If they arent pushed, then I wont bother either. I’m not bothered if someone around me isnt wearing one either.

It’s kinda like the childrens vaccine, by having the vaccine you know you wont be spreading it. Except this isnt putting a vaccine in you, its wearing a simple mask for a few minutes when in a shop or some where. What harm does it do other than being called a sheep or something else childish. Who gives a fuck if it is doing what the government asks or if you look like a clown. If it helps makes other people feel safer and actually does help prevent the spread of the infection, then just wear it.


Can some mick confirm if it is face mask or just face covering? I am flying into Shannon at the weekend with 6 lads and need to know the score

Is Shannon actually open?? You’ll need the face mask/covering just to keep out the dust.

The usual.

Zero (0) deaths and 6 (six) new cases.

We go this thing licked, right?


Luke and Cillian will be urging caution

This second wave is a bit of a cod.


The deaths will surely start dying out. Boom.

It would be interesting to see the dates the deaths occurred versus when they are published.

Okay, it’s high time I get myself sacked from my job for attacking some public figures on twitter. McDonkey, O’Squeal, O’Tool, De Gas Cunt et al are getting it shortly.


This virus can’t make up it’s mind.

According to six one workplaces are new frontline, shops and fast food outlets are biggest risk (would you believe). Building sites will be this weeks focus after recent weeks of dame Street, beaches, phoenix Park, young people having house partys, pubs(despite being closed) and yanks sneaking past @Batigol

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What are you doing listening to 6.01?

Sundays and Mondays are the down days

Did the 500 deaths that were misrepresented as Covid 19 deaths get taken away from the total figure yet?

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We’re not allowed to tell you.

No idea. But I saw a picture of someone wearing one.

Maybe, but there were a cumulative 49 cases on July 11th-13th, 36 between July 18th-20th.

Moving 7 day average has increased from 16 to 18 in a week.

Interesting to see how the week plays out as they were very sure last week that there would be a higher number of cases.

@Fagan_ODowd I know you’re the county guy but are they reporting much on community transmission?

Only channels I can pick up with the aerial on top of the bed

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