Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

A few days of low numbers and the cunts will have to open the pubs for the bank holiday weekend. We can all go buck ape then

Will they fook… Galway race week will be the AI Final Worid Cup Final Olympic 100M Final all rolled into one for the under the bed brigade.

Leo Varadker, who said last week he saw no reason pubs couldn’t open, has assured us it will be at least 10th August before they open. It doesn’t get any clearer than that

Most people are happy enough to stay under the bed

There was an article today on green lists in the Irish times that had figures on deaths per capita and comparisons with other countries. I did a bit of a Google and it seemed to me the figures in the article were all wrong. On the sites I looked at we were 10th worst in the world for deaths per capita and 6th worst in Europe.

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Do we actually have 1750+ deaths though,

I don’t believe that we do, @glasagusban

The excess deaths piece from a few weeks ago doesnt appear to be on the likes of world o meters radar.


Leo can talk out both sides of his mouth now he is Tanaiste.

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Ohh drop kick me jesus
Through the goalposts of life

If you leave out little places like Andorra and San Marino, Ireland is 12th in the world and 8th in Europe according to worldometers. If you look at western Europe, Ireland is doing better than most on the deaths metric at least, about 60% of the levels seen in UK, France, Italy and Spain.

That wouldn’t be good enough to bring the eurovision song contest back home next year

1,100 of the deaths are associated with residential care settings.

I believe that is above a lot of other countries. My sense is that this is overstated.


Goes with out saying but bears repeating. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the number of deaths and deaths per capita is a direct reflection on how bad a job was done protecting the most vulnerable elderly population. Even though it was known as early as mid January that this was the demographic in most danger, absolutely nothing was done in western countries until mid March and nursing homes weren’t even focused on in many countries until at least a month later.

In western Europe only Germany and the Scandinavian countries - Sweden appear to have handled this aspect well. In the US the eastern seaboard has been an unmitigated disaster, most states are in the Germany/Norway/Denmark category. For all the media hype about Texas and Florida the death rates are actually quite low.


No death in a week in the north

I assume you mean Sweden didn’t? They have fully admitted to failing on nursing homes, the bizarre obsession with hammering them has been amazing to see.

This is Boston yesterday guys, this has been in for weeks. Cases remain controlled. It is an utter lie to just say the dumb hicks down south causes their rise. They have had a rise for numerous reasons, most significantly the lack of early infections;


6 cases in Dublin, 2 in Kildare, 1 in Galway. The Laois case hasn’t made it to the Covid tracker app yet.


The disappointment was palpable in the good doctor’s voice today as he announced the numbers. There’ll be higher numbers tomorrow he re-assures us.


Terrified numbers might fall and they’ll have to justify not reopening everything


Spoke to my father on the phone there. Project fear has well and truly worked on the older generation. Never heard him sound as deflated.


Finding out that your son is an alcoholic on the internet is never easy, try to sober up in Donegal :+1:

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