Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Thankfully I’m only an alcoholic on the internet


Jayses my aul pair 75 and 71 drive up to salt hill for a couple of days

You’re a teacher but making fun of people who have addictions to alcohol…?

That’s not very woke of you.

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Trying to convince the auld lad to do the same. A few trips like that and have him realize that nothing will happen him would do him the world of good

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Some of that reads like you’re serious? It was a joke mate,

You’re jumping on the teacher thing as well? :man_shrugging:
They’re just people like you and me,

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Good post, pal.

I’ll tell you what’s irking me. Glynn and the boys ascribing human characteristics to COVID-19. Same as how muldoons do it with the Liam MacCarthy Cup. “Liam MacCarthy thought he’d never come home to Clare but he’ll see you in Ennis tomorrow night” type stuff. Coronavirus is waiting for people to become complacent apparently. It’s getting ready to pounce when folk have their guard down. It’s a devious virus and it wants to work its way around the community again.

I’m so angry right now.


At the virus?

Yes, he’s* playing mind games with me.

*or she

I was on the phone yesterday to the family in Ireland. That is the attitude alright, they’re prepared for the worst.

I got my point across that anti American accent stuff is the new racism though.

The virus has been lying in wait. For 4 months there were no clusters in supermarkets, it’s decided to attack supermarket workers now. The virus just hates Margaret Heffernan.


Virus is acting the cunt now in case it gets toppled out of the headlines

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Covid 19 is a real shrude operator.

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Fast food workers too. Its mad how it stayed away from the delivery drivers too meetimg people at their homes

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A real traditionalist. Likes it’s straight knockout All-Ireland championship.


I’m a small bit perplexed. For a few weeks there was a bit of a lull with the virus. It was not garnering much attention. Instead Barry Cowens escapades, a Luke Kelly statue, BLM and the state of the greens was occupying most minds in the media. Now all of a sudden we’re back to apocalyptic scenarios again without the stats to back it up. We are nearly 5 months into this thing and it’s only now they are making masks mandatory.

It’s like one shower of apes left the classroom to be replaced with another shower who haven’t been paying attention up to now and want to go back to chapter 1. With regards to pubs opening. It was just never going to happen was it. With each pending bank holiday project fear would kick into overdrive buttressed by state of the nation addresses. Now that Fianna Fail are facing an existential threat they dont care what price society has to bear so that the figures remain low and they can save face. Get the popcorn ready for when the schools go back in September.

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Tis the tfk equivalent of rebranding so tis

Are these numbers included in last few days?

Their waiting till next week to ramp up project fear for BH weekend

Of today’s 6 new cases, 6 are in Dublin, 2 in Kildare, 1 in Galway and 20 are at Townsend St.

Varadkar calling out Martin and Donnelly’s fuck acting over the green list, he’s stitched them up good and proper