Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

A dog with a mallet up his hole could see it coming — He fast tracked the phases - held 5 press conference to milk every last bit of adulation and walked off into the sunset knowing Martin would be on the back foot from the off.


We’ll be voting again soon

Politics has had it’s day — everyone knows it’s an outdated system— ergo, we get backward results.

Fair play to Leo, still looking out for his flock.

It’s hardly worth your while coming over when you’ve to go into quarantine for 2 weeks after you land.

A green list does not mean a green light.

Ffs sake.

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Leo’s playing of FF is masterful, a proper politician

Quarantine requirements don’t apply to homesick muldoons based in the UK.

Here. Is the latest guess from science cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


Test centres being closed does not fully fit the narrative

0 deaths 36 cases

@Copper_pipe stepped away from reportimg when Tony did. Wheres his freedom of Dublin

party time for @mikehunt

I think that’s 132 or 18.8 cases per day on average for the last week. Looks to be on the button for the same number of cases preceding July 14th.

Over the past week, 51,128 tests were carried out. 139 tests were positive, giving a positivity rate of 0.27%.


No deaths is the big thing though surely.

Of those 36 cases, how many cases are symptom free - i’d be wondering about that, unfortunately thats never announced from what I can see.


I thought the dangerous lunatics running the country told us the r rate was out of control

Based on a sample size that makes the r number insufficient

Only 14 positive tests last 24 hours. I overheard two medics today say the numbers are a cod at this stage.

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