Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Surely rather than a meaningless R rating, Nphet and the government would look at the numbers in ICU as a result of the virus currently?

Its in the country months now and things have opened up, the mandatory wearing of masks for the next 2 years till a vaccine doesnt appear to be proportionate in my view or the consequences of same.

Its a total and utter cod.


Average of 19 positive tests a day for last week. A chunk of those are two clusters.

I don’t mind wearing the mask if it means no more lockdowns.

It’s all the other medical procedures that have been delayed that is going to become the scandal soon.

Is cancer testing and screening back up and running?

Cancer treatment is back up and running alright as far as I know. Not sure about screening though.

I think the government are getting this very badly wrong, their track record in relation to cervical cancer, should enlighten at least lads on TFK to have a think for themselves. How can you blindly follow that?

750 billion signed off by the EU, its like it’ll never have to be paid back. Its gas.


I was reading there today that there has been over 200,000 deaths in the last five months due to lack of medical intervention and suicides in the uk, it is criminal what is going on, if some lads got hit by a bus and got killed and had covid 19, the cause of death was put down as covid 19

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RTE taking a different slant to the crowds gathering at Walkinstown roundabout versus crowds on Dame Lane. The virus does not travel in Italia 90 throwback crowds.


We played it different here slightly sure - if Covid was suspected at all, it that went down as the cause of death.

Varadker admitted that too. The general public didnt seem to mind. Baffling.

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According to the app there hasn’t been an increase in ICU since at least Friday (since I started to keep an eye on it). Still at 437

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So they’ve been scaremongering to keeps pubs closed and to force people to wear masks…

Well I’m back in on monday for tests and something else shoved up my hole, so I suppose they are


I’d like to see Junes excess death figures.

Its serious now in terms of school children, if they don’t go back in September, when will they?

They shouldn’t be announcing every day figures and simply announce an average every 3 to 4 days. RTE and all these fame experts frighten the life out of people every 3 days when we have one high figure.

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There are no excess deaths among u50s this year.

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Yet we expect them to potentially have no formal education for a very prolonged period of time? Damage thats going to do for kids who were at risk of leaving education early is huge. On top of the way they’re going to mark the leaving cert this year.

Wasnt it in the news recently as well kids can’t transmit this thing at all.

Unfortunately, people are too preoccupied now with getting a fashionable mask it seems.

Poor kids will suffer the most from this.

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100%, just looking at this years leaving cert students,

Can imagine every privately educated leaving cert student this year will be looked after and DEIS school kids will be marked down.

Hopefully, I’m probably wrong on that.

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From what I’ve heard each school will be bell curved by subject based on results achieved over the last 3 years. Seems fair enough although I may have different thoughts on September 7.

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Wouldnt have suited me either way to be fair. :grin:

Yerwan Norma Foley made a statement that results would be adjusted for socio-economic status and gender. It sounds to me like a major law suit in the making.


If you take a school of 600 students as an example, surely they could have socially distanced 120 kids over 20 classrooms for the leaving cert.

For me that was another wrong decision to postpone it.


Easily. Colm O’Rourke was on the ball here.