Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

5 in Dublin, 1 in Kildare and 1 in Laois :cry:

It was ridiculous. The students started whinging like students do and then classroom snitch Thomas Byrne jumped on the cancel it ta fuck band wagon and it snowballed from there.

They’ll have an almighty mess on their hands yet.


He’s a nasty piece of work if what his driver was saying is true.

You’d feel very sorry for that year, going to college one or two days a week maybe from October if they’re lucky. Be no craic.

UL won’t even except cash anymore for their astro pitches. Load of shite.

Newstalk 8pm bulletin there just now. Today’s new cases are 38 which is the highest in a month! Let me hand over to some “expert” for some fear mongering.

No mention of the deaths number though so I assume the deaths or lack of them won’t be reported from now on unless there’s a spike.

It’s actually disgraceful some of the things that are happening now.


Will next years sixth years have a strong case for having their LC cancelled too, given they’ve missed a heap of stuff already?

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At least 24 of the new cases are historical.


Our national media have been shown up something awful by this


They are big fish in a very small pool. The whiff of entitlement off RTE heads is incredible.


Going back to the Spanish flu?

Better than being made up altogether I suppose.

We’re at the pretend Covid stage now.

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Not alone that, but there has barely been a questioning, let alone dissenting, voice about any one of the measures taken. The scandal in the nursing homes (1,000 people dead) might as well never have happened

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There won’t be a peep out of them until RTE get their budget slashed as part of the repayment of the costs of COVD.


I’d start the paycuts with Tubridy the “Covid survivor”

Refused to wash his hands clearly, what a cunt.

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The South Koreans had their equivalent of the Leaving Cert outdoors in stadiums. Could have used the Primary schools for any surplus of students too.

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The South Koreans were dead right, the ramifications of the decision we took will be interesting yet, id say.

Could end up with a few Dr. Nick (from the Simpsons) type lads doing medicine this year. Joe Duffy was saying let everyone who applies into whatever course they like🙄


The Leaving Cert is talked down by a mixture of self loathing Irish people and those who want to tell everyone how unimportant it is to life, but it’s benefits will be clear once the college places are announced. Tweaking grades for a variety of reasons will cause uproar. The LC is a transparent and fair system across the board, free from the types of biases you see in other countries college admissions.


What gender?
That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a long time, as is grading individuals based on their school’s results over the previous three years

Surely it would be even more transparent if it actually took place this year, Tim?

*My bad, misread that.

That’s his point