Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Very fair system. Not even convinced grinds are as big a factor as people suggest they are. If you put the head down you can succeed.

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The rote learning aspect of it prepares you for precisely fuck all in later life

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Especially in an all boys school :grin:

On a serious note, they badly need to make apprenticeships more appealing in my view anyway. Everyone going to college is a cod as well.

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Massive gap in the market for trades men after the crash

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To put context on this

***here are many ways to measure whether a country is conducting enough coronavirus testing. One important metric is the positive test rate. In the US that’s 6.48% according to the Johns Hopkins tracker. **

**The WHO recommends that the rate should be lower than 5% before countries even consider reopening and the Harvard Global Health Institute recommends 3% as a maximum. **

By contrast, countries that have a handle on the pandemic have much lower positivity rates - in South Korea, that’s just over 1%, in New Zealand, it’s .5%.

How long would it take a fella to become an adequate carpenter or electrician? I know it probably takes 4 years to go through the process now but in reality no block release etc could you do it in 2 or 3 years? Im sure plenty fellas would look at retraining

A couple of weeks back Simon Harris new Department asked Solas for ideas to incentivise employers to hire apprentices. He wanted to include something in his pitch at cabinet for the July stimulus package. Not sure if they’ve been included

Depends on the person to be honest, their willingness to work etc, even if it takes 4 years. 22 is no age, the problem electricians face is regular work without having to travel and stay in digs etc. There’s no certainty in it unless you go out on your own. Not everyone will want to do that etc.

People can say what they want but taking Limerick city as an example, it never really fully recovered from the financial crash of 2008 in terms of construction.

It’ll unfortunately go further back now, but lads in trades won’t have Australia this time round as an escape route, which is even more worrying.

Sure you’d be begging tradesmen to come and take the money off you in Limerick.

So many low points bullshit courses, that are a waste of time. But sound better on paper, not to run LIT down, but its a problem there and all ITs id say across the country.

Kids doing the wrong courses just for the sake of it.

Ah sure lookit. Half the craic of college is just actually being in college. The social aspect, the boozing and drugging. The beans on toast for 5 days and pot noodles if you’re lucky etc.


100% mate, I did plenty of it. Always lived at home though.

Thats seems to be a non-runner now which is terrible.

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How many are NZ testing though? They have locked themselves away from the world.

this is where @artfoley normally comes in to tell everyone he did a load of Es in the 90s


Estrogen tablets was it?

Greenland :laughing:

Green List : Names released of 15 safe countries for travel without quarantine on return (via @IrishTimes)

The countries are: Malta, Finland, Norway, Italy. Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Slovakia/Greece, Greenland, Gibraltar, Monaco, San Marino.

Monaco, San Marino and Gibraltar. Sure you can’t fly directly from any of those places to Ireland anyway. And I’d love to know what country Slovakia/Greece is!


Kevs mate will be able to come home


We need to set up seal clubbing safaris to entice our Atlantic brethren

Monaco and Gibraltar, arent you required to travel to France and Spain to get into them?

Crete or Ayia Napa it is so in September. :grin: