Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Yep. San Marino and likely Greenland too

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Godthab is lovely then

Italy is on greenlist so san Marino is assessable I guess. Can you go to Rome but not the Vatican?

Why is it Slovakia/Greece ? One or the other, take your pick

Slovakia/Greece. I missed that merger

Do they even border each other?

Edit: no miles away. I need to brush up on my maps

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My worry if I was booking somewhere would be if our own cases went up in the meantime. How would that be treated going into another country,

Have no interest going abroad this year anyway. Not worth the hassle.

Abroad to Mountcollins for a few nights

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:grin: not quite

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Greenland and Gibraltar tourist boards will be delighted Mick is coming in droves.

Can you get a direct flight to Gibraltar from here?

No. UK only. Can’t return from Monaco either without going through France.
Would have made more sense putting the canaries on it as the Irish love Lanzarote and it’s been pretty safe from the China

Yes mate. Once the pilot takes off he can choose which direction to go

Looking for pints of guinness and an all day breakfast

Pilots need to have flight paths approved in advanced. Embarrassing stuff from the forums supposed aviation expert

Unless you have a private helicopter (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) you cant get to Monaco without going to France.

The logic here is “these countries are as safe as staying in Ireland, you dont need to take extra precautions on returning but you absolutely must not go to them”

Handy oul list there for our tax exiles. Dinny is resident in Malta, Smurfit is in Monaco. PJ missed a trick.

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There was a lad on the radio this morning telling us we shouldn’t be crossing county boundaries.

Fuck him. I’m off on my staycation from Friday. Hodson bay hotel then on to wonderful Sligo.


Or a yacht.