Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

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Sounds like it was written by Swiss Tony.

If they handed out jail sentences for being a twat, he’d get about 362 years.

Pizza costing less than 9 euro with a pint - also deadly


A very articulate and bright young lady despite not having Irish ethnicity - Very tough for a young family - RIP.


Come again?

It’s ok not to have Irish ethnicity, you can be new Irish and be bright and articulate. No need to single her out for that much.

A lovely tribute.

A subtle little reference to a recent ‘debate’ here pal … dont go reading too much into everything you read - all is not always as it seems.


Here I was thinking the daughter of a doctor was more likely to be bright and articulate, regardless of ethnicity

Go back to measuring the popularity of Shane Long and dont worry your little head about the finer points of the internet.

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They say on here that ‘the internet never forgets’

It seems to forget fairly quickly when there’s an opportunity for a dig

I thought it was fairly obvious but be ready to have that dragged up in a few years



7 new cases, 9 new deaths. When I say new deaths I should clarify “ Eight of the nine deaths are late notifications that took place in April, May and June“

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How do you take 3 months to notify about a death during a pandemic?

Ah here we go now. These dangerous cunts are lying through their fucking teeth.

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New cases number was too low so they’ve fired in some old deaths to keep the fear factor high.


We’ve been notified of some deaths from months ago.

We’ll hold onto them until a day where the new cases are low so. Can we find a few new cases down the back of the couch there as well. Deaths have fallen off a cliff, we need to keep the cases high.