Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


They will denotify a few of them at a later date

It seems the Government here were damned if they did & damned if they didn’t.

Italy & then Spain scared the fuck out of authorities & rightly so.

Those who claim they should have carried on regardless & fuck lockdown would have seen certain chaos. Hospitals would have been swamped & god only knows how many more elderly would have been lost.

For those who agreed with measures taken, it now seems that the slowing of the Spread while keeping lives saved is looking like prolonging the presence of the Virus now.
It is fair given what was happening elsewhere to say the Government acted responsibly tbf.

There is so little knowledge out there that it’s all guesswork.

What’s very much a worry is the lack of respect on the ground now for the virus. I believe we have to carry on. But, we need to have personal responsibility for our action, our kids actions and maintain hygiene via proper hand washing & social distancing.

I feel for publicans, they are in the shit. But I can’t see anything other than mayhem when they do open. Hope I’m wrong, easy for me at home with 2 young kids.
It must be a nightmare for young single adults right now.


11 in Dublin, 1 each in Cork, Limerick, Kildare and Wicklow. None in Laois.

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I’m surprised you actually believe that they need to lie about figures, bro.

Of the 7 new deaths four only spent 7 euro on food during their final visit to the pub.


There are days where they will randomly denotify deaths as well. Would this be a batch from a nursing home or something? There doesn’t appear to be any follow up on this

Were we doing the same craic as the UK, where if someone got Covid and recovered, they still died 2 months later with Covid?

Loads of pubs have already opened.

There has been no large bump from them.

The “real” 14 day average number of cases according Ronan Glynn today is 13.

Over the past 14 days, 272 cases have been notified, of which 183 have actually arisen during that period, giving a 14-day-incidence of 3.84 per 100,000 of the population.

Dr Glynn said that of those 183 cases, the median age is 39 years of age, and 58% are less than 45 years of age.

Sixty-one of the cases were healthcare workers.

The 7 day average number of cases on June 30 was 11 IIRC.

We are talking about a tiny increase. That increase could be down to a variety of factors including people moving around more due to those restrictions being lifted or simply the impact of Phase III. Or it could just be fatigue elsewhere - and the evidence actually points to that. A cluster on a construction site. Another in a house party. Thus far there thus not appear to be any clusters from pubs.


Or the tale of the Timoleague house Party or the Glanworth club player who brought the virus with him from Dublin and into the club.

We can trot out stories till the cows come home. The virus is still prevalent and probably will continue to be into the future.

If the Pubs can open & responsibly police numbers I’ll be happy. But I can’t see it happening.

Suppression or eradication?
What’s the plan ?

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Eradication can’t happen with open borders.

Any chance of us getting back to normal?

No excess deaths… So what we mainly saw was old people with compromised immunities dying just like we would any other year? And we’ve ripped the country apart for what?

There was a nurse in to get her fanny waxed yesterday and she said they haven’t had an ICU case in a few weeks and at worst they only had a handful.

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Ok. So why are we adopting a stance a kin to an eradication policy in some areas against a stated policy of suppression?

This is the devil in the room it now appears.

If they had taken the approach of herd immunity and 6 or 7 thousand perished it appears we’d be open for business again.

Problem is, can very accurately suggest there will not be a reappearance in Northern Italy or other countries badly hit previously?

Eradication and losers go into suppression.

Not in foreseeable future.

If Education in early years & primary schools gets going we are doing well.

The Irish social life scene as we knew it is currently gone with the wind.

Well I don’t know what the point on trotting out stories is from you is either…

I fully accept these things will happen and are happening. They will happen in pubs too.

But that has to be balanced. Risk mitigation like spacing, table service only and masks on servers makes a big difference. The pubs also should be contact tracing, which other social arenas cannot.

The evidence thus far is that pubs have opened responsibly, by and large. If we had 4 to 5 clusters by now, maybe there would be a point - but there is not.

Saying stuff like “it’ll be carnage when the pubs reopen” isn’t backed by the evidence thus far. No question if they went back to “normal” there would be issues, but they don’t have to and aren’t so far.

We need to just get the show on the road now for industries that can reopen. We need to take the attitude that clusters will happen - like on the the building site, and look at the systems in place.

I am not calling for nightclubs to be reopened as normal (though if they want to change their use slightly, then why not?). The theater, musicians and the events business as a whole needs sustained support.

Rather that putting in staycation vouchers, we need to focus on industries and sections of industries that are in trouble. This will do little for hotels that revolve around foreign tourists, business travellers and events travellers.

On travel, we need to grow up a bit. The EU have a standard there and we should have followed it instead of our arbitrary ass covering number that is 20 times the EU standard. We need to get the internal market going. The EU standards on travel sets a standard and also signals to non EU countries the expectation. Countries will sort out testing and tracing when other countries lock them out. As an island nation, one with Europe’s leading airline and one where aviation leasing employees directly and indirectly many people in high paying jobs, we should be taking the lead on this. We cannot afford for that industry to go under.


That’s a tad flippant. Those poor souls in nursing homes were soft targets based on building up hospitals for an attack like Italy had.

If measures taken hadn’t been as robust it is clear more elderly outside of care homes would have died.
A 60 year old doctor who practiced good precautions is dead from exposure. Simply put, lesser actions would have seen increased deaths.


Except that is just not factual. Restaurants and pubs that served food were very busy for weeks there. People are prepared to go out and save money where a degree of risk is expected, but mitigated.