Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Moving forward with a track and trace policy, encouraged social distancing and some restrictions is not encouraging herd immunity.

Eradication as a policy only works if every other country, or at least the ones we trade with regularly, moves that way.

We need to get the social calendar back.

We should be in Dublin this weekend for the All Ireland Semis, Galway next week for the Races and at music festivals the August bank holiday weekend then.


It was always looking favourable to keep cases down when customers were remaining seated in groups & leaving within 2 hours.

If you think a Pub with no food or time restrictions could get out of control, well …

It doesn’t effect me but another forced lockdown is not an option.

Personally, I would argue to open pubs now. Let the initial faze of excitement pass.

I think the majority of publicans will play ball. They’ve had it shit enough since March

I really miss the hurling, can live without pubs and all other shit. No Munster championship is when I had enough of the bullshit



Get a grip

The social calendar is massive for the economy and sustains many jobs.

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Well I didn’t say no restrictions, did I?

Pubs that reopen should have to adhere to the same standards.

The excitement on pubs has passed Harry, I imagine there will be some flood in rural areas but outside of that - really? In Dublin the likes of Toners and Doheney and Nesbitts are already open. Will there be some people particularly happy to see Grogans open, sure, but it won’t be mass hysteria.

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Ryan’s reopening will be the litmus test

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Monday clubs, nightclubs & late bars are done for time being.
Concerts & festivals etc.

That is factual


But, maybe we need to re-evaluate some things as a nation.

I’d argue the rural pub is not the issue. It’s the cities which cause the fear.

Those are not the entire social scene in Ireland. It is not waffle, the social scene is not “gone like the wind”. These are the facts.

The Mirror :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Look Tim, we’re not all toffs attending restaurants weekly.

Social scene is packed pubs, drunk ness & nightclubs. One night stands, concerts, festivals…

Well then go to one. Pubs have been reopened in Dublin for nearly a month.

Allegedly some of them are breaking the rules too on timing (shocking). Any clusters?

Take the word of our national broadcaster :grinning:

Okay, food pubs…

Stop being obtuse.

Toners, Doheneys and Nesbitts, Searsons et al are just food pubs?

Are you telling us they are flaunting current guidelines?

You seem in the know for a chap who is supposedly in America?

I’ve no idea if they’re flouting regulations. I was in Searsons the week they opened and they weren’t anyway.

The point is that they aren’t just “food” pubs. Well Searsons would be more of a food pub, I didn’t think Toners ever served food tbh. Definitely a pints pub for me.

What are you trying to say? Are Toners in breach of current guidelines?