Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I’ve no idea.

But they are a traditional pints pub, that’s without question.

Like Searsons, the will be jam packed with people late into the evenings. They would be the type of “city pub” you’d worry about, no?

@carryharry, this is the Toners booking system. No reason for other places not to have similar, no?

Tim, are you saying that pubs serving food while asking punters to leave after 90 mins not leading to clusters is a valid reason to open up pubs with no restrictions?

Nope. I never said no restrictions. Don’t lie.

You seem to be typing a lot of wishy washy stuff now, I’m out…

You’ll not change their mind. Those capable of remaining vigilant should do so and leave the medical experts to deal with Covid. The economy will be grand. We’ve had recessions before and recovered.

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Another one bites the dust

If that’s a win for Tim :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Numbers have been pretty good after a flurry of fear a weak ago. A few spikes, but no definitive upward trend. Fianna Fáil seem to have gotten to grips with this Covid craic.

Tipped into the local Supervalu there and there was a big box of 10 packs of masks for sale by the door. Uptake in this particular store is surprisingly slow though with, I would estimate, 26 - 32% of punters still going maskless.

A lot of retails units in my area refusing entry without one.

I’m surprised there isn’t at least a sign at the door urging customers to wear them.

Management decision…

I was asked to leave a shop yesterday in Ennis as I didn’t have one. The centra on my way out home has a sign but they are not enforcing it. I’d say less than 20% uptake the two times I’ve been in there since Monday

Lock down Dublin so.

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All along shops & service stations I’ve been visiting since April seem to work the doors. People in general are patient & play along.

Masks becoming far more common over last week. People by and large are being cautious & what harm?

All the negatives of this horrible ordeal but for me I think people have slowed down.
I think people have cottoned on to the actual important things in life to them.

If you want to see masks go to a bookshop. 100% compliance in any bookshop in Dublin.

The problem with this commentary, and many like it, is the singular focus on the heath crisis and government reaction it it. Which if we are being honest for most western countries ranges from poor to abysmal. They have to be given some benefit of the doubt given the health experts they follow religiously have been all over the shop, completely contradicting themselves on the initial dangers, speed of spread of the virus, modes of transmission, need for masks, etc.

The long term impact on the economy and society is the big elephant in the room. There is an assumption that things will go back to normal and the economy will recover quickly, I think this is foolish. It’s obvious now there will be no v shaped recovery. Even excluding huge industries like airlines and tourism, the number of small businesses that have gone here in the US is staggering. There’s an iconic restaurant near Ocean beach in SF that has been in business for 157 years, survived two world wars and the great depression, it closed it’s doors this week. Now maybe it will reopen, but the point is this is no ordinary recession.

Lockdowns were necessary as the virus had spread so fast in December through early March there was no alternative, even though sensible social distancing (including masks where appropriate) and good hygiene are just as effective. But lockdowns were never going to last, especially for young people, both kids and young adults. Young people are simply done with this, and believe this virus does not impact them.


I can only speak for my own group of friends but I don’t think moral has ever been so low across the board. Things simply won’t be the same again for a very long time and while older generations have no pity which I understand it’ll be very hard to adjust For many of us.

Lock down in someways was a novelty for many and if you married or have kids you probably have enough distractions anyway.

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Don’t be such a piss pants. The Cliff House is only closed temporarily

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It’ll be a great yarn to tell your grandchildren