Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Good God another nothing piss poor effort at sounding smart post from you. One of 50 odd in the last 24 hours or so on this thread. "Shur we are all in this together guys keep it up’ type bollix. You’ll be doing some crying in 6 months when no one wants to buy your clapped out bangers.

We are facing economic destruction. There’s not a penny coming into the country from tourists. Heaps of people are out of work and we’re paying them a week’s wages.


There’s a real sense of ‘Is this it?’ at the moment.

Okay it’s better than a few months ago, but there’s way more to life than going for dinner + 2 pints.

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6 - 8 pints should be the minimum.


Obviously another few dozen people out of work doesn’t bother you. The point is it’s unprecedented, they hope to reopen but who knows if it will open again or any of the thousands of other businesses that have closed.

Yeah its depressing working all week and coming Friday with nothing to plan, drinking at houses isn’t my thing I perfer the atmosphere of the pub. Even meeting with friends there’s fuck all to talk about.


A fair few lads were home for the first time in a long while and there was a novelty in some ways For some. I think the last two weeks a lot of people are just fed up.

As bleak as things were in the last recession at least there was opportunities abroad.

It’ll be interesting to see how the next few weeks play out.

Jaysus some craic last night wasnt it
Did I meet you?
I think you did ya
Where were we?
Can’t remember.
Ah ya, some laugh.


Exactly. The pretend economist/mechanics know the score though judging by their posts on here. Sure I suppose better be a confident know it all idiot than a pessimistic know it all idiot is their attitude.

Exact same as you. Just isn’t summer in Ireland without the hurling

The Gah training being back has given me back my social outlet. I never really thought of work as a social outlet anyway and I’m happy enough not to be in the office. But if I was a young fella I’d imagine it would be very tough. How would a fella get a random ride these days? Must be a disaster. The stage I’m in life wise I wouldn’t have been out and about much anyway, but we’ve a championship game the weekend and thoughts of no pint after it is sad. They were always good nights. Win or lose. I’m trying to find somewhere to take a table but it’ll only be for a small crew. The best parts were the shite talk with fellas you wouldn’t normally talk with


Quickly followed by do you know what you did last? Nah what? Your some fucking gobshite you did xyz

RTE haven’t noticed yet.

Thinking the exact same after training tonight. I’d nearly bring a slab of cans to the pitch Sunday for after the game


Just had that conversation after training tonight, it might actually happen.

Wouldn’t be a bad shout except we are in a neutral venue. Not sure how @ciarancareyshurlingarmy and crew would feel about a load of farmers drinking cans in their pitch

Even though it’s great to have hurling back, I don’t think people’s hearts are really in it.

Hard to be motivated when you don’t know if the championship will even finish.

I don’t know lads seem mad for road from what I’ve seen


How do you finish any day?


We have fellas appearing out of the woodwork from everywhere. I won’t have to make one phone call between now and Sunday which is a first. Talk even of a cup between local clubs when championship is finished.