Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Would you consider a suit length tournament?

People are mad to train/play because they’ve nothing else to do and nowhere else to go but in terms of general interest, pre match build up, etc. I don’t see it.

Usually the week of club championship, the games/team news would be the only thing being talked about, but this year it’s all a bit meh.

Most people can’t even go.


No one goes to our games anyway so it’s not affecting the build up :joy:


And you can’t even decide on a whim to go to a match either

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I’m told the tinder/insta scene is thriving with the last few weeks again.

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When I played sports it never bothered me in the least whether it was a county final with a few thousand people or a challenge in front of two men and a dog, yoU play for the enjoyment of the game you’re in,
It means less if your mammy isn’t there to see it??
The time will come soon when you can go for a few pints after the match, just enjoy playing it while you can


How was Air Travel & Tourism in the 50’s & 60’s?

Is it hard to believe that perhaps the world ( & Ireland ) will evolve again?


Whinging, incessantly.

It’s all about the schools now, if the schools don’t go back we’re in trouble,

Don’t know where all the substitute teachers will come from, there’s been a huge shortage of sub teachers over the past few years

A relation of mine, male with qualifications in maths & science can’t pick up permanent work at the moment.
I thought that strange. Would have thought they’ll need additional staff with retirements & smaller classes.

whats your views? will you be back?

My reading of it is that the Government want them to go back, the CMO said yesterday that they will go back, parents will be distraught if they dont go back but schools and teachers have been giving no guidance

I know Brisbane went back months ago and there was no issue, i wonder what it is like elsewhere, surely they can learn from other countries

Instagram is unreal for the women.

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I want to go back, everybody I’ve spoken to wants to go back, my principal is making arrangements to go back as regards the layout of the school but he knows no more than anybody who watches the 9 o clock news,

I firmly believe that any teacher dragging their heels is genuinely concerned for their health, working from home was hell, nobody wants to go back to that,
Norma has been quiet but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, the leaving very debacle showed the danger of drip feeding info from the Dept of Education, people get very wound up about the kids education,
let’s see what she says when she makes an announcement, I think it is the number 1 priority for govt now, and rightly so, if the kids are at home we’re going backwards


I think they’ll sacrifice the pubs to get the schools back. Getting the schools back will be the real trigger for getting the workforce back to work because it unlocks childcare issues.


good post

I think a previous point you made about the best part of teaching was the interaction with kids was a very good point

Ok, it seems a few lads here are driving the narrative that there is a binary option between suppression or herd immunity. The contention seems to be that a because more people weren’t infected immediately we don’t have sufficient herd immunity to open up again. This is wrong. No doubt certain posters will find some cod science to support this.

Other countries have both suppressed the virus far more than Ireland, and reopened their economies, including to international travel, far more than Ireland.

They aren’t open because they achieved herd immunity, in fact they had few infections. They’re open because they managed the pandemic better and are still managing it better.

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Very seldom agree with anything you post but agree with all of that.

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There will be riots

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You can forget about Ryan’s as a pub.

Berlin is trialling a 4k concert I heard somewhere. Why couldn’t all seated concerts go ahead?