Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Majority of teacher I’ve spoken to are of the same opinion as you, its been very tough working from home and isn’t fair on the children, particularly ones who’s parents have no interest. Hopefully you will get greater clarity in the next week but I fear from the general noises from the goverment and media is that they will push back from September and wait till October (to see how other countries are doing it).

I’d say an element of that is because you played for a townie team. They generally only matter to the players and very small band of diehards

100%. Same here. Though my sources tell me that the Dept of education are preparing Plan B for a structured remote learning plan if there’s a spike in the number of cases here.

There’s no craic in teaching from home, every day is the same, it’s hell, like I envisage working in an office to be like

Kids are great fun, it keeps you young


Open air or enclosed?

They’re gonna be in big trouble on this front … secondary schools might have to undo the rules they brought in a few years ago when lads with PhDs can sub in … there’s loads of those useless bastards around.

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Mostly deviants though, they’d never pass the vetting


Dunno I heard it second hand.

They could reopen the Concert Hall I’d say. You get a better class of person at those events.

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That is clearly the thinking. I have no idea why though. In what way are those two things connected? The presumption is if pubs reopen there’ll be a spike and schools are fucked then doesn’t wash with me.

That’s it in a nutshell … the belief here is that we did a great job because Leo gave a few speeches … we’ve a very submissive and subordinate population who will believe anything and just do as they’re told and are not interested in critical thinking - the likes of @Raylan and @myboyblue … nearly everything we did was a fuck up.

I’ve said it 100 times on here - we dont act, we react - that’s the difference between us and our European friends.


Fathers slobbering all over their infected pals in the pub then going home and infecting their children and the children going in and infecting the whole class. Seems like a risk we don’t need to take.


This is an opportunity for us to grow up a bit. Apparently pubs are part of our culture and something to be celebrated but not something we can actually be trusted with.

Here is a real opportunity to responsibilise both publicans and patrons.

Have a simple rule on numbers allowed per square metre. Each pub can display how many are allowed. Table service only. Publicans responsibility to ask people to leave if they don’t comply. Have inspections, fines and pubs shut down if there’s too many in there. Some pubs may have to hire security and some may find the rules difficult to manage, but that’s for them to work around they’ve been given a fair shot.

There you go. If those conditions are fulfilled pubs can operate safely. If we actually have clear rules and expect people to obey them then maybe we can behave like grown ups and have a responsible drinking culture.

That would be worse for parents than nothing happening. Widen gap between kids whose parents can give that the time and those who cant

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You’d swear there was never a recession before.

There was never one with a determination to stay in recession before


Very little evidence children spread it at all mate

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Agreed. A matcha latte and a crepe in a car-free street is so much more appealing to me than a pint in a dive bar in a west end town

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There’s certainly a mad man around. Call the police.

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