Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

SF backed the Digital Cert, which you are no railing against.

And you don’t want people highlighting your beloved FF and their incompetence.


SF supported the Green Cert though, Fulvio must have missed the memo.

I don’t think there are many parties that don’t. Perhaps People before Profit.

My “beloved” Fianna Fail have made a bollocks of an awful lot of things. Blaming them for not having a shared approach with NI is however the height of hypocrisy considering you know the DUP would never agree to it.

Do you have any other Captain Obvious statements to come out with this afternoon?

How is it the height of hypocrisy. FFG and the DUP were on the same page here, none of them wanted to engage with each other. Why you think it necessary to cast the blame on the DUP solely is beyond me. They are both to blame equally and I’ve never said anything to the contrary.

That doesn’t back up what you are saying.

It seems to me that vaccines are broadly effective in that they will largely prevent serious symptoms, and are likely to significantly inhibit transmission, but that’s a different thing altogether to what you claimed - that they are 100% effective at stopping contraction and transmission. My reading is that we still don’t know for sure exactly how effective vaccines are stopping contraction, never mind transmission, and we probably won’t know that for a while.

Vaccines are great but they aren’t foolproof and rely on critical mass being achieved at a population level to achieve maximum effect.

You consistently misrepresent my argument.

I’m not pro/anti travel. I just happen to think it’s the point of insanity when it happens before society has reopened properly. It’s doing things arseways.

We’ll be in Damascus waiting for you with pints while you are walking back and forward on the road.

You are against the Digital Green Cert being operational by July.

SF support it.

You admit that we cannot stop travel from Belfast even.

Your argument makes no sense unfortunately.

So you were wrong on exactly what the vaccines do. Sound.

No. I was right. The Israeli and US evidence shows it. No masks and no social distancing now in US under CDC guidance.

You’ll get there eventually too. Until then keep walking the road and deny the science.


Well I don’t see why you’d want to be travelling internationally unless it was absolutely necessary. Two weeks in Torremolinos definitely isn’t necessary.

You said that all data shows that vaccines are 100% effective at stopping contraction and transmission. That’s not true.

I am against foreign travel taking precedent over domestic society and the economy. Why are you continually trying to misrepresent what I’m for or against.

Seriously? Massive lack of empathy on display in that post.

All the data suggests that is true. No data to suggest it’s not true. But then you like to adopt positions based on “no data to support this but…”

Anyway enjoy walking the road to Damascus. We’ll be here when you get here.

Not everyone is as selfish or entitled as you are.


From the guy who is happy to travel internationally but won’t allow others to do so.

How very racist and hypocritical of you.

I haven’t engaged in any foreign travel.

Your white male privilege is coming to the fore again.

They take about 5 hours to get result

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