End the Lockdown - Plans for Resistance, Plans for Change

No idea but that’s a different question. Everyone who got vaccinated should have had some reaction for a day or two, otherwise the vaccine did nothing. This topic is longer term damage from the vaccine continuing to make spike protein and it spreading around the body in the blood stream, something we were assured would not happen.

But the lad who assured us that this couldn’t happen made $18 million in 2021, and the “grifters” who warned of longer term safety concerns were told to STFU and banned from social media.

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It’s literally at the bottom of my post.


Morto for Julio…… :rofl:


It’s hard work trying to educate the Kerry lads.

Who claimed this, apart from @TheUlteriorMotive?

Here’s what I wrote in May 2021. I don’t recall anybody serious claiming that vaccines would completely stop transmission.

They couldn’t have lads making health decisions for himself. The common man must never be trusted to make his own mind up on anything.


In fairness @Tierneevin1979 , you were pro vaccine in 2021 werent you? , post below that one is from February 2021.

There are some serious unverified claims here. To be honest, the whole post reads like the unhinged rantings of a madman. And given that this poster has a long track record of getting things very wrong during the pandemic, (including being a shill for the nutcases of the “Great Barrington Declaration”, hyrdoxychloroquine, ivermection and a lab leak truther and a “Fauci is the devil” head the ball, among many others), that’s about all you’d expect.

Yes, but I was wrong in hindsight. Only those at risk of serious illness or death needed the vaccine.

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:joy: :joy: :joy:

I love when the wild claims of posters who have lost their mind are proved to be nonsense by their very own previous posts! :grinning:

Vaccine passports were an absolute abomination of legislation brought into the country in 2021. I was worried for a while that I might not be able to be in Croke park for Limerick destroying Cork in the All Ireland final. There was talk of bringing them in to major sporting events just prior to it. That legislation alone was a real eye opener if you end up on the unpopular side.


The vaccine lunatics are now gleefully declaring that fellas who initially believed in the effectiveness of the vaccine were wrong.
It’s quite something.


I wonder if a covid 22 came out this year would the public, government etc react any differently than March 2020?

Or would the reaction be batshit CCP minded in response?

Only a madman would ever admit to being wrong about anything.

I’m never to proud to admit when other people are wrong though,

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Personally I had no reaction to my 3 x doses.

I know many who were far more ill after the vaccine than with the Virus.

I had 2 bouts of it and flew through both, day 1 on first positive test I slept most of day but thereafter felt fine.

Sinus issues after Positive test no 2 really were the only bad negative.

Do you remember when they tried to make us turn on the children?

Superspreaders they were calling them. I remember the looks that people would give me if I walked into a shop with one of the girls. I used to bring the 3 of them into Tesco’s just to piss them off.

The middle aged, middle class women were the worst, they would cross to the other side of the road and glare across at you if you dared to bring the kids out for a breath of fresh air.

That’s what the hysteria did to people



One of those middle aged middle class female types had a conniption one day in Dunnes when i moved her trolley out of the way after she had abandoned it… Oh i had just wiped that down and now i have to spray it all again…

The mental cunt .