Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )


There is no fuckwit like an idiot right wing fuckwit.

I didn’t expect you to realise it.

Good cunt yourselt.

You are despised by your own. That verdict says it all. You are self-proclaimed Irish Ireland Tyrone Rah head who despises hurling. And your own know it.

I think everyone can see who the coward is.

Any time you want, you can tell me whatever you want to my face. Just send me a message and I will facilitate you. I know what you look like as well.

Is English your first language?

Or, I suppose, do you even have a language?

Here we go

@glasagusban has said it’s hysterical but if you don’t believe that politicians will be under enormous pressure to lockdown for a period in the winter, you just haven’t been paying attention.

Flu testing and models of same will demand mass hysteria.

Until the financial markets make it unaffordable, politicians will struggle not to pull the trigger, in my view.


I reckon I’m loved and respected. Can you say the same?

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Any time you want, fluffkins.

Sounds like many so called left wing politicians these days


Be nice if they asked how many are in MHQ.

The rationale for it was to “protect against variants” so we don’t “undo all our good work”.

That’s fucked now anyway so presumably we can end our racist system of pointless incarceration and let out all all the Mongolians and Kyrgistanis?

I have got it every year since 2019.

What this fact proves or disproves, I do not know.

My sense of personal freedom extends far beyond the standard childishness of middle-aged Jordan Petersen-admiring men (‘The government is not going to tell me what to do!’). My sense of personal freedom involves being able to think for myself and not being stupid. But even here I am not entirely free, because I owe this freedom to genetic luck and my parents.

So many paradoxes.

Shh we’re protecting against foreigne…sorry variants

994 cases - George Lee putting the good suit on


He is just warming up.


For how long? And what criterion guillotines the stay at home?

Your ‘question’ is premised on the notion that Covid-19 and standard flu pose an equal threat to the ability of societies to behave normally in social and economic terms. This equivalence is so nonsensical that your ‘question’, needless to add, is still more nonsensical.

You are basically another example of right wing absolutist childishness: ‘We should treat everything the same way because something something – the lefties!’ The OIUTF ‘logic’ is that Illness A, which causes some trouble, should be treated the same as Illness B, which causes far more trouble, because both of them are illnesses. Here is how the ideologically blinkered, even if not innately stupid (although many OIUTFers certainly are), behave like stupid people.

The experience of this pandemic will naturally alter how many issues are viewed. Crisis, among its many other facets, is a focusing device. A terrible irony of The Troubles was that surgery for blast victims and gunshot victims got accelerated by decades, because of the volume of people who required such treatment.

This pandemic, as a crisis, will inexorably affect how flu is seen and treated. Might vulnerable people now decide, unprompted by legal requirement, to wear masks and hand sanitize in certain contexts between October and March? Quite possibly, given what has been observed during this pandemic. This behaviour would be perfectly rational. Should the government legally require people, every winter, to do so? I doubt it, given that standard flu does not present remotely as big a threat, across all fronts, as Covid-19. Any such move would be disproportionate. But I think the government should encourage people – by an advertising campaign, say – to avoid getting flu, which would ultimately save taxpayers’ money. And the OIUTF crew, mostly wing nuts of the right sort, could hardly object to measures that sought to achieve this aim, could they?

Work must be scarce for a second rate hack


I love upsetting the likes of you.

I’m not upset. I just can’t fathom how someone can write the reams of shite you do and get satisfaction from it. What’s harder to comprehend is that you think you are good at it. You’re dull, boring and deluded. Tis you that’s to be pitied. Bless.


But those that have had the jab are already getting their digital green certs? They know full well, but they’re buying time to build a narrative.