Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Is it fun being that stupid?

I suppose the childish know no different.

Is it fun being a hateful discriminatory cunt?


So is stupidity.

The number of deaths from all causes in England and Wales in the week ending 2 July 2021 was 8,808, which is 5.2% below the average for the corresponding week in 2015 to 2019.

Of these, 109 deaths were registered involving coronavirus (COVID-19), accounting for around one in 81 deaths (1.2%). This is a higher proportion than in the previous week, where deaths involving COVID-19 accounted for around 1 in 120 deaths.

Deaths include non-residents.

You certainly are stupid and cowardly.

Donā€™t forget a hateful discriminatory cunt.

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At least she admitted the jab was approved. There may be hope for her.

Thereā€™s 20 of them

Oh no I am not, whatever else I might be.

Any time you want to look me in the eye and tell me that, let me know. I will facilitate you.

As someone in Tyrone said to me: ā€˜Yer man is a little monkey man who wonā€™t even work in his own club, because heā€™d have to listen to people.ā€™


There is no fuckwit like an idiot right wing fuckwit.

I didnā€™t expect you to realise it.

Good cunt yourselt.

You are despised by your own. That verdict says it all. You are self-proclaimed Irish Ireland Tyrone Rah head who despises hurling. And your own know it.

I think everyone can see who the coward is.

Any time you want, you can tell me whatever you want to my face. Just send me a message and I will facilitate you. I know what you look like as well.

Is English your first language?

Or, I suppose, do you even have a language?

Here we go

@glasagusban has said itā€™s hysterical but if you donā€™t believe that politicians will be under enormous pressure to lockdown for a period in the winter, you just havenā€™t been paying attention.

Flu testing and models of same will demand mass hysteria.

Until the financial markets make it unaffordable, politicians will struggle not to pull the trigger, in my view.


I reckon Iā€™m loved and respected. Can you say the same?

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Any time you want, fluffkins.

Sounds like many so called left wing politicians these days


Be nice if they asked how many are in MHQ.

The rationale for it was to ā€œprotect against variantsā€ so we donā€™t ā€œundo all our good workā€.

Thatā€™s fucked now anyway so presumably we can end our racist system of pointless incarceration and let out all all the Mongolians and Kyrgistanis?