Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

What about Florida and California…though I think florida has an older population so I suppose you’d expect it to do worse?

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They were knocked out of the Euros


I think comparisons could be instructive but the manner in which a lot of people voluntarily modified their behaviour would be significant – and hard to measure. People in retirement communities are likely a case in point.

My own strong sense is that mass vaccination remains the only long term exit route. But I know you do not agree.

Good point. Slipped my mind.

You’ve been bate up a stick here. Why can’t you just admit it?

Covid a naoi deag sounds a lot more sexy than covid 19

No, you see I have everyone on my side, include governments and public health advisors, and you have a few crackpots like Gerry Killeen. “I’m right and everyone else is wrong”. Zero covid “won the argument” by being rejected by all of Europe. You see how silly that sounds right? Course you do.


You have millions of dead people “on your side”. Including my father. They’re so grateful.

Get fucked, you horrible bastard.

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I’ll just leave that there. It speaks for itself.

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It does.

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The LIDTF lads seem to be getting chesty at the evidence that the hospital numbers were, shall we say stage managed.

No journalist asking this question or perhaps not being allowed answer it is telling.


Who was the fella who revealed it and what is saolta?

No idea. He’s probably far right.

In fairness he’s not far wrong.

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Is Mark Paul a far-right nutter now?

Everything’s a conspiracy now with youse lads. :grinning:

What’s saolta group biff? Is this not absolutely earth shattering news to be revealed if the fella is trustworthy? Surely means ‘hospitalisations’ can be discounted as a relevant stat

It seems to be the grouping of the Connacht hospitals - Galway, Mayo, Roscommon etc

The chap on Morning Ireland is the CEO of Saolta