Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

He made far more sense while he was gone.

… have done nothing…

No, you did not. You would be as well to admit you have no solution to offer, unless carnage can be considered a solution.

Look, I do not understand your position. You are not a fool and you are not unpleasant. But so be it.

And the reality is that you are piggy backing off people who are getting vaccinated. If everyone took your view, there would be societal breakdown. And you know no more than anyone else, and perhaps less, if you are credulous about the likes of Ivor Cummins. And the ivermectin stuff has now been exposed for what it was always likely to be, a stab at a simple short cut when faced with a complex labyrinthine journey.

But I wish you and yours well over the coming while.


Take that down you bastard, it is way too positive

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Lots of stupid on display, especially from those throwing around accusations of stupid.

There were two arguments for getting vaccinated, you reduce your personal risk of getting serious disease or dying, and you help the community towards herd immunity, reducing the opportunity for the virus to spread. The second argument is essentially now dead, as it is obvious that the vaccinated can both get infected and infect others. The latest data out of Israel has efficacy at stopping infection from the Delta variant at 40%, and at less than 20% for those who were vaccinated back in January. Immunity gained from vaccination is wearing off over time. Breakthrough infections are routinely happening, even though thankfully the rate of hospitalization and death is much lower, except for those with very compromised immune systems for whom the vaccine will not work. The most vulnerable are still the most vulnerable with or without vaccination.

That’s the long and the short of it. If you go into a bar you are at risk of getting infected by a vaccinated person or an unvaccinated person, the safest people to encounter are those who have had Covid and have recovered as it’s becoming clear their immunity is stronger and longer lasting, so they are less likely to be shedding virus and reinfections are very rare.

Bullet point: Stop using phrases like “vaccination is only effective when it reaches a certain percentage of the population”, as this is at odds with the facts. Get vaccinated to protect yourself, that’s the only thing you have control over.


Well there was this for a start…

There’s no justification for continuing with lockdowns. There’s no evidence they work and some that shows they’re counter productive in terms of tackling the virus while being catastrophic in terms of health, the economy etc.
The government should protect old people’s homes, encourage private companies to let vulnerable adults work from home wherever possible, tell people to isolate if their symptoms coincide with a positive test and issue public health advice regarding vitamin d, c, magnesium and zinc. And kids should definitely be in school, and anyone promoting or supporting masking kids should probably be in jail.


Vaccination as regards ending Covid as a threat to the public heath situation ASAP can only have a chance of being effective if the take up is very high.

Its potentially the thin side of a very big wedge


Take the tin foil hat off…

Anyway, if it keeps right wing nut jobs away from mainstream society I’m all in.


What do you think is going to happen?

The two weeks to flatten the curve was the thin end of the wedge. If you’d have mentioned bio weapons, passports, compulsory vaccinations, rolling lockdowns and hundreds of millions spent on testing, lads like @balbec would have been drolly muttering something about tin foil hats.

In terms of reducing the numbers being hospitalized? Yes, agreed, but overwhelmingly that’s the vulnerable groups, so the threat to the public health system is greatly reduced once those groups are fully vaccinated. The holdouts in the vulnerable groups are the real problem as those are the ones largely being hospitalized.

But hospitalisations are no longer overwhelmingly the vulnerable groups.

And the current rate of hospitalisations in the UK is a problem.

So everybody needs to get vaccinated really.

Governments would never have imagined how easily the population would submit to draconian restrictions of civil liberties (which i might add I think were reasonable at the time). They expected to need the army on the streets etc. As it was everyone submitted without much a whimper.

Now you again the vast majority of people have no issue with having the right to eat and drink inside restricted. Vaccine passports are going to be here indefinitely. Who’s to say what the next required vaccine will be?

You saw the power grab post 9/11, I think we could see something very similar from here.


Vaccine passports will be a permanent measure. Thats a fact.

Potentially the unvaxxed could lose their jobs etc. This is a very dangerous precedent.


Well, fair enough. I acknowledge that comment.

I just happen to think, along with the majority of rational people, this perspective is for the birds and is even more so in light of Delta variant.

Let us remember that you scoffed at the very notion of variants etc. Now Delta is here and making wreck. So Covid-19 is even more extremely unlike flu.

The situation is terrible and the only way out is mass vaccination, followed by booster jabs, as quick as ever the process can be done. Everyone from 12/13 up will need to be vaccinated – for everyone’s sake, not for any one individual’s sake.

Terrorism is not an airborne virus, no more than obesity is.

Do you have a breakdown of current hospitalizations in the UK by age group?

There are charts for age groups about half way down on this page. Figures are per 100k of population rather than than percentages. Older groups are still over represented but the situation is more broadly spread than before.

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I’d say the vast majority of people don’t partake of indoor hospitality on a regular enough basis to lose their shit over it being restricted for a period of time.

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