Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The official link has a typo FFS :rofl:


He was being voluntarily imprisoned and exercising his private property rights God given to him by the Constitooootion, by squatting. And probably posting on TFK.

The Romanians up to no good as usual.


Correct thread -

Thousands of posts in here arguing about nothing.

There’s a vaccine. Take it or dont. But dont go crying if you cant get into a pub to drink pints if you decide not to get vaccinated… in the same way a bar man or bouncer can decide to stop you entering a premises if they perceive you to be a danger to yourself or others, well that holds true here - you’ve no right to be let on any premises at any time …

I’ve no idea what else is happening - I havent turned on the news in 3 months. Lash out the vaccines and get on with life as best we can. I’m sorry that’s not something some people with various conditions can do, but we cant cater for every single individual… but unfortunately, the world is all about the individual these days.


Ffs but that’s just summed up the stupidity of 80% of the general public…If you’re unvaccinated you can’t come into a pub and have a pint - in case you give the virus to someone who is vaccinated.
It’s actually beautiful in it’s simplicity.


I think you’re the only person arguing that mate.

Wearing your tinfoil hat in these temperatures is not good for you

Do you not think you’ve embarrassed yourself round here today

That’s precisely what you said. Don’t feel bad. You’ve been brainwashed, propagandised and coerced for a year and half.

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That’s very vague mike. Could you be more Pacific?

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Give it a rest lad ffs. You nordies cant handle the heat at all.

More vague stumbling. You summednit up perfectly. There’s nothing more to add to your argument

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We should cherish @glenshane. He has an ability to consistently see hidden, higher truths that us lesser beings are unable to. He is very special.

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“stupidity”… By what criteria?

Is that 80% meant to be the number of people who are prepared to be vaccinated? Otherwise I do not understand the specificity of 80%.

Are you actually arguing that no one should get vaccinated? Or that vaccination after 80% plus of the population are vaccinated is irrelevant?

You could make much the same argument about air travel or whatever. There is no “simplicity” involved and the answer is that vaccination is only effective when it reaches a certain percentage of the population, meaning that the further answer is a risk-reward one: that certain people, without an incentive to be vaccinated, will not get vaccinated.

There is also a broader point about fairness: why should certain people enjoy the benefits bestowed by vaccination if they refuse, without good reason, to get vaccinated?


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But I have added the decisive counterarguments.

How did you avoid being “brainwashed” and “coerced”, so?

There’s plenty more to add to yours tho.

Your counter argument is that a teenage girl should put her health at risk to protect you.
But you really should tackle the California/Florida comparison…there are plenty of others, but start there

I should have included voluntary practiced self policed stupidity

Get in line fellas. Meehawl and Leo have instructed you to get hall passes.