Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Always is. The old spend it or lose it. Another bizarrity of ireland.

I had a section begging for invoice before Xmas. Batshit crazy stuff, money not a factor just quote fast and invoice faster.

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All grand mate. I was out that way today but thankfully not for a test.

Suppliers can’t supply all the windows 10 laptops that were approved for funding in Dec with surplus public sector money. The place was sloshing with covid cash.

God no

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My point was about the virus becoming stronger through mutation. This facet is a new one to consider.

The fact that the WHO have been far from wonderful on various issues is neither here nor there on this front.

We do not live in a perfect world. So be it, WHO and all.

How would you prevent a de facto rolling lockdown within a non lockdown?

That’s fucking gas. What a country.

It’s the truth.

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You’ll see the councils out every October and November re-doing odd lengths of footpaths just to use up budgets. Its bonkers stuff.

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“stick fighting”

A phrase all but patented by that arsehole George Byrne.

Anyone associating themself with George Byrne is like someone taking a holiday in the Golden Vale to go skiing in cow shit.


That’s the biggest concern

You’d think that alright. But a heap of projects down our way that had been on the long finger for years have started in last 6 months. New school being built on greenfield site, new firestation, extension to hospital, new playground… Funding approved eventually for short bypass of town job to happen in next few months etc

Lads asking what they like prices if they were available to do it. Crazy use of money.

Good points, impossible to argue with, and being honest the thoughts of it are terrifying to me, because I’ll be at both ends of the coalface with a wife that will be working and potentially 4 kids schooling from home.
But it’s a real possibility and it’s better than nothing, it’ll give kids some structure to the day which is important if the weather isn’t good,
If cases continue to rise then it’s going to be difficult to keep schools open with all the red tape around contact tracing and isolating etc

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Il be working from home and wife working as well for 3 days a week. I spent March to end of June looking after two kids all day at home while my job went into overdrive at the same time, working at night and weekends to catch up the lost time during the week. And even at that I was keeping the kids alive only trying to educate them on top of that would have been a serious bridge too far


Happens everywhere

You do what you can, everybody’s circumstances are different,
If your kids are too young to use a computer with any independence then it’s almost certainly a waste of time, box ticking, make sure they do a bit of reading every day and have them work on some maths from their schoolbooks


Big Sam calling for a circuit breaker for football

Ah I get that… As long as schools aren’t putting on the pressure be fine. Kids will make up the learning it’s the socialisation I’d be more worried about