Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )



Due to the exhaustive efforts of Jason Leopold, Dr Fauci’s correspondence with senior research virologists in the US (32,000 emails) in the period Jan - June 2020 have just been released.

Shit is about to get very real.


In fairness its not the government doing this but the Local Authorities aided and abetted by Dr Tony and his patrols around the city.


God know what T will do now
He’s livid

Fauci should be locked up.


Don’t back down, Tony. Double down.

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Fauci has some serious questions to answer

Never in our wildest thoughts did we consider that young people would meet up in town after being locked down for 5 months. Who could’ve foreseen that in fairness.


A lot* of older people I’ve spoken to with kids in their twenties are angry at how their kids are being treated and portrayed in the media after all the sacrifices the kids made.

** sample of two today

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They’ve misjudged the mood music I this I think?
The only people who seem to think the scenes were disgraceful are themselves. The oldies are more relaxed now because they’ve had the vaccine.


I was accompanying my girlfriend/partner/lodger to town there to return a dress to H&M and there are worrying crowds about in Dublin again IN SPITE of the warnings of His Tonyness. It’s almost like they don’t care.

Thousands will die

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Donald saw through him

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Of course they are because they’ve seen how much their kids have sacrificed in the last year and a bit and now they are being portrayed as the bad guys for having the temerity to meet their friends in town for a few drinks. The rubbish left over after Saturday night is a disgrace alright but there will always be shitheads and lack of bins is an issue too. The only people outraged by this are cunts who have forgotten or never knew what it is like to be young.


Any bargains?

I’m fucking totally outraged! The horrible young cunts.


Fucking young people, they want to be able to have their own house and then they want to be able to leave it too. Well which is it snowflakes?


The youth have been the real victims during this pandemic.

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I think Fauci can be given the Biden defense, doubt he knew what was happening.

The two interesting characters in this drama are Baric and Daszak. On Feb 3rd when absolutely nothing was known about the origins of CoV-2, they were campaigning to release a statement that “crackpot theories” implicating the Wuhan lab (or labs) needed to be countered. Even though one of the leading virologists in the US (Anderson) had warned on January 31st that it looked engineered.

Why were they so urgently driven to absolve the Wuhan lab, before literally anything was known on the origin of the virus? I’m sure it had nothing to do with Baric training the Wuhan lab scientists to do gain of function research on bat coronaviruses and publishing joint research with them, and Daszak funding the research.

They did get Anderson on board though, his lab published a paper in mid March outlining why the virus could not have been engineered. It’s a load of absolute tosh.

Cc @dodgy_keeper