Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Surely if someone has lung damage from Covid they could not have been Asymptomatic, Mike?

How did the lung damage occur otherwise?

From what I remember reading about it they took xrays of people that tested positive for Covid. Xrays showed lung damage. People were asymptomatic.

Is there any chance that the lung damage was there before they tested positive for Covid?

Not being smart - that just doesnt add up to me.

Think we need the TFK expert radiographer to call that. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be in soon enough. They have cancer screenings to catch cancer early. People donā€™t know they have it but the screenings show. Asymptomatic may be a misleading term, they mean people that didnā€™t know they had it.

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Unfortunately a lot of cancer screenings were cancelled due to Covid last year - which in my view was very wrong.

Back to my point though - I find it hard to believe that any lung damage occured to people who tested positive for Covid and had no symptoms.

A friend of mine who works in medical devices sent me study from the US that said it did before. Itā€™d take me ages to find the link so Iā€™m not going to bother. It was a study of college athletes and it was found to have a significant impact on them.

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Fair enough, Iā€™ll take your word for it. Just seems very odd that you would have lung damage from Covid (a respitory virus) without having any symptoms at all.

Do you really think itā€™s that surprising? There are lots of things that can have major impacts on the body that you might not notice at all. Relatively common symptomless diseases can make some people sterile, thatā€™s a extreme outcome. Cancer can develop and not even be noticed until itā€™s terminal. And so on.

Thatā€™s true, there is plenty of those out there. I just wouldnt have Covid down as one of those - especially in relation to it affecting the lungs of young athletes who are otherwise presumably perfectly healthy.

I find that surprising with no symptoms of Covid at play.

I seem to remember reports of ppl with covid having very low oxygen levels but not realising it.

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Seamie is ready and waiting

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Smokers donā€™t necessarily know if theyā€™ve lung damage. I smoked for 20 years. Never had a cough. People who drink too much alcohol may not know they have liver damage until itā€™s too late.

Iā€™d have low oxegen levels down as a symptom of Covid - but I take your point, if they didnā€™t realise it, fair enough.

Honestly pal, itā€™s a new disease that has turned the entire world upside side for over a year now, itā€™s a bit mental that you seem to think itā€™s harmless.

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Iā€™m not saying that its harmless at all pal. Far from it. Iā€™m just surprised people with no symptoms from Covid apparently ended up with lung damage. Its the first time that I heard of that happening.

Especially college athletes which you mentioned from a US study you read.


Have you heard of long covid? Do you think thatā€™s real or made up?

You are making unsubstantiated claims.


Agressive tone there pal, calm down.

Long Covid is very much real - anxiety, depression, muscle fatigue apparently are the major symptoms.


Didnā€™t mean to come across as aggressive at all chief.

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