Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

We should have listened to Aoife McLysagth

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Thatā€™s correct. And the Euro shop and Guineys had to close as well. According to my source (the Mammy as well :slight_smile: )

529 new cases. 274 of those in Limerick. 28 people in ICU.


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Keep this up and weā€™ll get our own variant :muscle:

George Lee is cracking one off

The Athea variant or the Carrigkerry variant.

Time for checkpoints and machine gun nests along the Limerick border.

The Deadly Desmond League variant.

The Hospital variant that puts no one in hospital.


Take away pints in aurthers Quay Sunday. Canā€™t fucking wait


We must be nearly finished with the Greek alphabet already. They should have gone with the Khmer alphabet altogether.

Time to shut down Kilfinane.

RTEā€™s fascination with cases and bad news :rofl: Did they mention Hospitalizations (123) and deaths (11) remain incredibly low, the link has been broken, it over.

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Limerick staring into the abyss here. If something isnā€™t done, they may be no Kilfinane left

thereā€™s one emerging from Tibet I am reliably informed, it is due to become the dominant strain in the UK and Ireland

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Limerick is on a knife edge

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They need to stop testing

No news. They were hardly going to lockdown the largest economic area outside dublin, plus Tony is a Limerick man :wink: