Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Slow opening has created this. Now they need to sort out a solution and fast for the sake of businesses in the city centre. You’d want your head examined to even go in their to do a bit of shopping.

I wouldn’t say it’s slow opening even, just not facilitating people to live as much as possible within the rules. Encourage outdoors and put facilities in place for it. Our approach all through has been to shut things down rather than work to facilitate things that are safe. Closing off the diving boards at BlackRock in Galway was the worst example of this for me, ridiculous stuff.


I think people being stopped from going hill walking because of the loony 5k limit was the height of the stupidity myself

Bang bang

One of the worst I have seen in last 15 months was gardai fining people for being outside 5km at Corrin Hill just outside Fermoy. Corrin Hill is a short 1km walk but there are 12 stations of the cross every 80 or so metres . People who couldnt go to mass on a Sunday did this instead but Gardai using pulse system could check persons number plate and track the address of registered drivers in the car park and fined them accordingly.


Cue the considered responses: “It’s all bollocks!”

Its all bollocks. Sure its a cod

The goverment are fully to blame for this anti social behaviour. They created the situation where people have been locked up longer than the rest of Europe. Announced an outdoor summer yet close public spaces to allow this and to de facto extend without announcing a locked down society. If we went full OIUTF you would have security in pubs to stop trouble, people dispersed around towns and city’s and the gardai able to ensure public order in the streets for everyone else who wants to get out and not drink. Blaming the younger generation will come back and bite ffg when a majority of out population is under 40

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He was lucky it wasn’t the fashion police.


Ice Cream Cornetto GIF by Working Title

Herr Holohan stoked an anti restriction sentiment last week. It’s pretty disgraceful really. Would Chris Whitty be commenting on people drinking in Soho?


would he fuck

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The mask slipped. We won’t see anymore super Tony murals thank god


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I noticed Glynn took over the messaging yesterday ahead of the bank holiday weekend. Good cop bad cop.

Mannix Flynn is calling for guards in full riot gear. Thats just what they need. :roll_eyes:

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The army is required

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Special Branch armed with AR-15’s

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Be good if the government came out and explained what they mean by an outdoor summer. I guess what they mean is comfortable home owners who are working from home can have BBQs in their back gardens with their friends and everyone else can go fuck themselves or be baton charged.


Endless fucking drivel from you.

Give it up to fuck