Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Agreed but some of the carryon in recent weeks has nothing got to do with a Responsible Outdoor Summer.

What is it with young people?

By all means get out there a socialise but ffs do it responsibly. Perhaps clean up after yourselves.
Perhaps respect the businesses & homeowners in the surroundings you locate yourself at.

But, itā€™s all the Governments fault as per usual you see.

Apparently they did the same at the Devils Bit a few Sundays. Took all the regs in the car park and anyone who was 5k outside their registered address got a fine in the post.

To be honest Iā€™d say if you refused to pay that fine they wouldnā€™t have a leg to stand on in court.

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what is a ā€œoutdoorā€ summer?

Fucked if I know or care

Itā€™s some young people, not all.


Thatā€™s okay so.

In what respect?

You made a broad statement on young people.

Young people have paid the heaviest price and now that cunt Holohan has the gardai at his beck and call to bate them off the streets


Run up a poll there Tim. :+1:

Another noteworthy input from the forums resident gobshite.

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Iā€™ll take that from the resident Mr Whingeā€¦ā€¦

Anders Breiviks mother knocked 7 shades of shite out of him when he was a young lad. Is she ultimately responsible for the killing spree he went on a few years back?

Fellas should pick up their shite after them.


Plenty of youngsters are disrespectful shites and plenty others would do well to learn how to pick up their own rubbish.

But the SW stuff goes beyond that. This is the problem;

You get a few scumbags rocking up and ruining the atmosphere. Does that mean you should be batten charging them all? Itā€™s a difficult one but you donā€™t see AGS around during the day intervening with these groups who make Dublin feel unsafe at all hours. Suddenly with a few Paddy wagons and under the cover of public health they can be heavy handed.

Holohanā€™s interjection last week was inappropriate and is leading to a Streisand effect on things. You have every little group of shites now heading to crowds so they can act the maggot.

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Young people innit?

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A poll on what exactly?

Youā€™ll figure it out if you concentrate.

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Good stuff, come back when you can make a decent point

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This is why pubs should be open. Security on the door will stop this type of crowd getting in. The Limerick city against corrupt bouncers was a great page to highlight who was getting stopped getting into pubs. All the scooter went on it to bitch about it. It was a tremendous page.

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Your fully within your rights to be a cunt, Iā€™m going to express my right to whinge. So why donā€™t we just avoid each other like adults?