Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

ā€œWaking Spreadā€

Are there any stats on icu and hospitalisations in donegal? Surely this is key for the rest of the country opening up. Its almost like an experiment. When older people are vaccinated and nobody gives a bollox any more and cases rise what happens next?

1 in ICU in Letterkenny hospital.


Great to see Charlie holding those useless cunts in government to account.

Heā€™s the hero we need

Any chance reopening could be accelerated even further?

Iā€™m looking forward to having a hop off the lap record in Shannon in 2023.

A bang of Sean Kelly MEP off Charlie.


For the past year Belfast has been running like a proper professional grown-up airport for the first time in her historyā€¦and you want to throw it a away by having actual passengers running about the place trying to get on planesā€¦catch yourself on


The All Ireland is in July this year, no?

Our house is COVID-19 free!! Second test results came back this morning.

Happy Fresh Prince GIF by Nick At Nite


The booking system for an appointment in Penneys goes live at 10am guys.

Does it go by age or year of birth?


The virus loves a timetable

Bring the bike and Iā€™ll get you in for a stage in the TdeM. Whatā€™s your jersey size again, XXS?

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While I think itā€™s a farce that Pennys are closed at all, it seems even more of a farce that Pennys can let in 100 people at a time a week before shops reopen. Not very fair on smaller competition

Iā€™ve the appointment booked for the mother anyway so thatā€™s my good deed done for the day.

Will she pick you up a few pairs of boxers?

I should have enough pairs to get me through to when I can go into Penneys myself without an appointment.