Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You can buy one sock and then go back for the second one 4 weeks later

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Penny’s boxers would cut the hole off you


I think you are wearing them wrong

They roll up. The chafing does be unreal. Under armour boxers are a game changer

Comfortable boxers are worth spending money on.

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I’m a svelte medium at the moment

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Fact. There’s no going back

Calvin Kleins are worth the money

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CR7s were great value in TK max. Dont think Ronnie wears XLs

While simultaneously sawing the bollox off you…

Lads are still wearing boxers? As long as the zoom camera doesn’t pick out the lad peering out from the side of the decathlon running shorts what’s the point?

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He knows that this will blow a massive hole in the Dr Tony daily lotto numbers

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Unless you have symptoms you’d be mad to go for a test


Wrong thread. Should be on the things I learned today thread

Tony says vaccinated grandparents can hug their grand kids from Monday. Not on fucking Sunday now ye cunts. MONDAY


Remove word antigen and replace with mask and cunts were saying same thing a while back


Cunts are still saying that, and cunts could be right.

111 people in hospital

Worse again, he said they were ‘allowed’ on Monday.