Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

1000 jobs going a begging in Dundrum Town Centre.

Lads under the bed on the PUP.



Thereā€™s no pipeline of young foreign workers coming in either thanks to Irelandā€™s lunatic border policies.

Think I saw these in Merrion Square a while back.

Ewan is on the case already.


Thatā€™s borderline incoherent.

Havenā€™t a clue what he is trying to say.

Have they opened indoor bars in Portugal or is Ewan on a terrace? @Ewan

Heā€™s definitely on something.

He is such an absolute complete wanker.

The antigen stuff is typical NPHET though really. If they had taken the bull by the horns of it months ago they could have controlled their use. They didnā€™t though as they wanted to keep things controlled at their own pace and with the restrictions they wanted. Two of them were put on the advisory committee to deliberately disagree with it so they would proceed with being used. When things open up (finally), itā€™s natural they will look to be used.

They should have been used months ago to stop certain spreading events.


Remember when they said masks were useless before going performing a heel turn?


I remember it well, mate.


In Germany if you want to visit your relative in a nursing home you can just do an antigen test and then you get an hour with whoever you want.

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I donā€™t think they believe they work. They believe in the performative element of them. If NPHET had their way though, weā€™d be getting food packages to our homes.

I touched down a couple of days ago to get my vaccine, tried to put a vid up but too big. Arrivals hall packed to rafters. You wouldnā€™t know thereā€™s a pandemic except for the masksā€¦they will be around in every country and state of a liberal bent forever more I think. I personally donā€™t mind them (except for on kids) but it is funny how they have gone. I think it was Taleb who was a big advocate for them initially whilst the mainstream resisted it.


Weā€™ve to take them twice a week for work. Across 15 schools in our area not one teacher has reported a positive test. Even the teacher in a school who had Covid and did one after finding out she tested positive.

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They will be found out once people see they work to a degree. Look I wonā€™t be buying or using them unless request to by someone to visit etc. But I see no harm in people using them for piece of mind. Itā€™s a good step forward that these are available at a cheap cost and in the famous Middle Isle.

Nphets house of cards is crumbling

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