Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

A lot of people wanting to go to a concert or travel safely need to fake positive results

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The lunatics donā€™t like discourse and discussions and consistently try to misrepresent others views.

I havenā€™t seen anyone on here support the 5G theories so when you try to debase a discussion into unsubstantiated allegations that only mean to falsely remove credibility from anotherā€™s viewpoint then I think it exposes how insecure someone is in their own position.


Preach sistah


If Iā€™m half cracked then youā€™re a Meringue.

Good puns have desserted you.

Fnar fnar

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but usually in viruses when the transmission rate rises the strength or the virus dropped in proportion?

This ainā€™t no ordinary virus. Itā€™s sneakier than Ryan McMenamin.

it burns itself out in no time

I donā€™t know much about it really but it seems irrelevant as the opposite appears to be the case here.

symptoms of the savage delta variant which is sweeping across the UK at an alarming rate include a running nose and cough, absolutely terrifying


A kick in the teeth for the frontline workers


Your informed opinion led you to belive India was done with Covid.

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No it led me to believe that Lockdowns have little impact on the spread of the virus.

Why do you try and misrepresent the views of other posters? Is it an insecurity in your own position?

If done correctly they are quite successful. Your ā€œinformedā€ opinion seems to be incredibly uninformed. Might be best leave it to the experts.

Itā€™s not being done successfully though.

My informed opinion is to review the information and make a decision on that information.

You just decide to misrepresent someone elseā€™s views as you have no confidence in your own position. Itā€™s called zealotry.

Says the lad who ran away like a pussy. :grinning:

Could someone clarify what exactly is being trialed with these ā€œtrial eventsā€?

2% capacity for Croke Park, is a trial for what exactly?

What did they learn by having 500 people all in their own individual boxes at a ā€œgigā€ in the Iveagh Gardens? They didnā€™t even test attendees so there is absolutely nothing to gained from it.

Itā€™s absolutely pathetic.