Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

So you agree that if done properly, lockdowns work?

Trialing public opinion on twitter of course

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True. It’s man made

Absolutely nothing. What are they “testing” if people are already socially-distanced outdoors?

I thought you were all about evidence? That’s an evidence free claim.

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Don’t question Dr Tony’s methods, he is the foremost medical and scientific mind in Europe

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That’s a loaded question. I prefer to be pragmatic. Lockdowns haven’t been done properly and have not made had any major impact on reducing the spread of the virus, this is supported by the data.

So many European countries have had draconian lockdown measures in place for the past 15 months or so and they have done very little to stop the spread of the virus when it came. That’s reality.

If Ireland did a NZ type situation from the start it could have worked very well but the horse had bolted back in March with that so the subsequent lockdowns since then have been pointless.

Sorry yeah. My apologies. I merely suspect that the coronavirus that was first spotted in Wuhan, China came from the coronavirus lab in Wuhan, China.

What do you mean Europe? He is the foremost medical and scientific mind in the World.

So you agree lockdown worked in New Zealand?

Holding pattern because the Euros started with crowds and Michéal said it was dangerous to have them for Ireland. We are savage at Covid, with slower reopening the order of the day. We can’t have the plebs questioning our lack of crowds though so need to pretend we are conducting high level analysis.


I am saying that lockdowns failed emphatically in the majority of the world.

Its sneakier as its man made. Very clever virus

You suspect but you have no evidence. It was widely put out there by people with a vested interest that HIV was a man made virus. It wasn’t.

Would you agree that New Zealand’s lockdown worked in stopping the spread of the virus? It’s a yes or no answer.

Just wait til we have the picnic, that’ll give us all the data we need :pint:

It was.

I guess I just dont trust the CCP in China (for some unknown reason).

That’s what I find strange, could possibly be stronger and more transmissible which is unlike other viruses that we have seen before. A virus needs to keep the host alive to spread hence why they get weaker. But covid is an outlier if true

They need to eat more butter

You seem obsessed with New Zealand.

There’s a separate thread on this.

I think it has been proven that lockdowns were ineffectual in the vast majority of the Western World when it came to stopping the spread of the virus. You might want to argue that point but the data suggests it is so.