Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Yes and I certainly wouldn’t trust them to be able to come up with a devastating virus like this, even if they wanted to, not least because they can’t come up with a decent vaccine for it.

There is a stronger case for covid to be man made than a spillover. There is a lot of characteristics of this virus that indicate this

I don’t think that’s the case at all. I think it’s possible you’d think that’s the case if you’re reading dodgy stuff on the internet. And a spillover seems unlikely to say the least.

The overwhelming likelihood seems to be that this is a virus that has spilled over from the animal kingdom.

Beacuse the measures introduced were a mish mash of various restrictions. Countries that implemented full lockdowns, like New Zealand were successful in stopping the spread of the virus. You were unable to make an informed opinion as you were incapable of telling the difference between lockdowns and restrictions. At least you now admit that if done correctly lockdowns worked. Glad to have been able to assist you in coming to a more informed opinion

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You seem to be ignorant of the fact that the practicality of what can be done in one country does not marry in with what is practical in other countries.

Lockdowns have failed in Europe. That’s an unavoidable truth.

Wow, relax. You’re gonna meltdown going on like that.

I remember, think she wrote No Logo too.

You are confusing lockdowns and restrictions. It is clear now why your “informed” opinion is so uninformed.

that was Naomi Klein

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I’m not.

It’s no wonder you’ve got so much wrong as you seem totally incapable of grasping the basics.

You’re the one who had to try and misrepresent my views and you don’t trust your position.

Quit projecting.

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She’s been batshit for years, possibly always.

Tony could get big bucks as CMO in lots of other countries


You said lockdowns don’t work and in the next post admitted they do work if done properly. Whatever your position is you’re not representing it very well.

They have been proven not to work. You’re arguing against established facts again here.

Your uninformed opinion leads you to that incorrect conclusion.

I make informed decisions. You like to misrepresent the views of others due to insecurity over the position you hold.

You said India were done with Covid just before it was hit with a catastrophic wave of infection.

You’re repeating earlier misrepresentations about what I said. When you have to lie about what other people say then it doesn’t bode well for your position.