Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The Indian wave was a lie, a Big Media conspiracy. We all know that.

Great post, youll probably get a nice reply for it. I’m amazed no one thought of this yesterday (cc @Batigol).

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Sadly, this is the answer.

They’re too busy buttering test kits

These antigen tests seem to be an awful cod.

Thread here with the relevant bits as regards this country.

Paddy knows better than the rest of Europe.

Given how we’re doing on the figures at the moment, I’d tend to agree.

Dr. Scally has been on the ball throughout this pandemic and his voice carries considerable weight of expertise.

Paddy needs his own spin

He’s a dork with no concept of real life treating this thing as an experiment. Well paid by taxpayers money to boot.

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I recall Scally rejecting the findings of the European Centre for Disease Control based on, well, nothing. So let’s agree to disagree there.

He’s one of the zero covid crowd whose advice has been rejected as unworkable by anyone with a brain, and by NPHET.


Actually the more I think about this, the more bizarre it gets. Using butter to say the test doesn’t work is ridiculous. The test isn’t incorrect its how it was used, clearly with butter. I assume butter would be negative for covid if tested via pcr too

There is 3 root causes to any problem when using a tool. The procedure for use doesn’t exist, the procedure isn’t clear enough or the user didn’t follow the instructions clearly. By using a protein that doesn’t contain the covid 19 protein of course it will be negative. The user didn’t follow the instructions for use. You could shove it up your hole and get negative.

This presentation is embarrassing, this is the expert group advising the government on public health in a pandemic and how they are discouraging the use of a tool to help stop the spread of the virus. It won’t prevent the spread or catch everyone that carry the virus.

From a professional standpoint these are all highly accredited medial professionals manipulating a test method, using it wrong to prove a point. This is highly unethical. Beyond a reasonable doubt if they did this with medical test results they would be struck off the register. Not that Tony hasn’t a history here burying lies.

Furthermore to try an deceive a dail committee that is tasked to answer these questions for the public is an insult.

Nphet are an awful shower of cunts


Stupid Paddy might accidentally test the Kerry Gold or Diet Coke for Covid instead of himself, he can’t be trusted.


“Is this an antigen test or toast?”

“Ah bollox. Not again.”


Filty fuckers can’t be trusted to wipe their own arse. My evidence is the lack of jocks being sold by dunnes

This has been explained to you several times.

There are two ways to effectively eliminate Covid. The first is what NZ and several Asian countries did, strict border controls, but it had to be done early. You only allow essential travel and mandatory quarantine for all, no exceptions. Countries that did that didn’t need lockdowns, except maybe occasionally a local one.

If the virus has spread in the community, like Wuhan in Jan 2020, there is one type of lockdown that works, you order everyone indoors and they don’t come out for at least a month. To enforce this you nail their doors shut and shoot anyone that ventures out. The army or police delivers food to them, but nobody is wandering around or going to supermarkets.

The problem with western style lockdowns is they are not lockdowns at all (we probably agree on this). We are dealing with a virus that is not that dissimilar to measles in terms of how it transmits, do you think we could stop measles with the type of lockdown we have tried?

Sigh, another ‘done with Covid’ idiot.

Mrs Doubtpfizer


Why don’t you try responding to the post, which is 100% correct. What points do you not agree with?