Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Vinny Vinny Vinny

The League of Ireland players, along with Hego, have been the lone voices for freedom.


We are averaging 320 cases a day here recently. On a population of 38 million. Ye need to get your fucking act together. Can ye not do a bit more?

We are still testing almost 130k people here a week. It’s a bit ridiculous to worry about a couple of hundred cases.

Someone mentioned it costs €120 per test. That’s €15.6 million in the last week alone.

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We need to redouble our efforts.

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There will be a revolution in this century.

I got all the quiz questions right in the independent today. I’m on top of the world

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FFS. Have the media picked up on that yet? That Department seems to think they can do what they want now.

Savage reckless from the Danes.

“If you look at what is happening all over Europe in terms of the B117 [Covid-19 variant], and in terms of the high incidence in European member state countries, to sort of put obligations on countries to force spectators in, prematurely in my view, is the wrong call by the footballing authorities.”

The sort of person we need running the country is a lad with a beard who shouts “I’VE HAD ENOOOUUUGGGHH!!!” into his phone while sitting alone in a car parked outside an empty Super Valu on a winter Friday night.

Lads like this have tremendous gravitas.

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I knew a mere nod to Gary Dempsey would draw you out :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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They’re worse than the Italians for changing sides. They’re belatedly on the Denmark train having ignored their success and celebrated Sweden’s failures for the past year.



Almost as if they haven’t a clue what they’re talking about.

“I don’t know what I want but I want it NOW and I’m going to FUCKING SHOUT to make sure I get whatever that is!”



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That’s some clamping

Bizarre. Keep everything closed. If we make no effort to allow people to do things, responsibility can never be traced back to us if anything goes wrong.

Nighty night time for @mikehunt

@Tim_Riggins is an ex-League of Ireland player who shouts into his phone on a Friday night? :grinning:

A Sunetra Gupta disciple.