Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Donā€™t forget Martin Feely. It sounds good so it must be right. The feelings over facts brigade.

Itā€™s guaranteed that almost every single person I meet this weekend will make some sort of reference to this. The best thing about having @Cheasty on tfk is I can hear the counter argument. What is it ?

The UK had 11k cases yesterday. Thatā€™s up from around 2k a few weeks ago.

The UK is still well ahead of us in vaccination terms.

The UK has 45.7% of the population fully vaccinated and 72 million doses given out overall in a population of 65 million.

Ireland has 20.4% fully vaccinated and 3.1m doses given out in a population of 4.9 million.

People are free to ignore that if they want but I donā€™t see why you would.

Itā€™s actually good to have zero covid lunatics like @Cheasty and @mikehunt to keep us down.

The Danes and the majority of US/EU states and NPHET are correct in their eyes.

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I must have missed the UK taking Denmark into the Union

Itā€™s great for us that the best you can offer is calling us ā€œlunaticsā€. Makes you very easy to dismiss.

So please, do keep it up.

We have been through this before. Anyone who says zero covid was possible with a border the British army couldnā€™t seal is obviously not all there.


Of course it was possible. Human decisions determine whether something is possible or not. Sure didnā€™t we all have 5km borders around us and we didnā€™t need the British Army to police that.

It isnā€™t going to happen now and that isnā€™t the argument being made now, so do keep up rather than trying to pretend itā€™s last summer.

Is that any better than a Gerry Killeen disciple?

The current science sees us with the most restrictive regime in the EU.

I saw anecdotal evidence myself a month ago when I was up the north. LIDTF advocates like yourself fucking it up for the rest of us that want some normality like they have everywhere else.


31% fully vaccinated of 16+ population.

EDIT I see youā€™re referring to entire populations.

Carry on.

Thereā€™s loads of normality currently.

You can book an internal city break and go shopping and go for a pint or four.

Iā€™m exceedingly comfortable with the decision not to have Euros matches here, it makes total sense.

Lads here constantly moan about our inability to organise anything properly as a nation, they say weā€™re useless and incompetent. Yet out the other side of their mouths theyā€™re saying we can do what the Danes did.

So which is it? Is Paddy useless and incompetent or exceedingly competent and responsible like the Danes? Because it canā€™t be both.

The Danes are renowned granny murderers in fairness. Tis the Viking coming out in them.

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Iā€™m taking the figures from the columns on the right side of these pages so they are directly comparable. I see the numbers have now actually moved on a wee bit since I posted them there, which is nice. Itā€™s like waiting for a very slow moving torrent to download.

What we have at the moment is not normal.

Iā€™m hopeful that rules are thrown out the window when pubs properly open in 2.5 weeks. One of the only countries in EU without indoor dining I heard.

2,000 at a match in Croke park, all wearing masks. Itā€™s like something out of a nightmare movie.


Well you were talking about wanting ā€œsome normalityā€. Which is what we have.

Paddy has a terrible problem with the dhrink.

Both nutjobs but fewer deaths to be a disciple of Killeen so depends on the value you place on life I suppose.

Do you think itā€™d be impossible to patrol the border in an attempt to restrict the spread of a deadly disease?

The next two weeks are crucial.