Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Iā€™d love to know who these people are. Are they people who are going getting tested because as a stipulation of their employment? There must be people going getting tested twice a week at least.


Was thinking that myself. This time last year youā€™d have been LAMBASTED if you had symptoms but still socialised, traveled, played a match, interacted in any way. Now youā€™d be LAMBASTED if you had symptoms and decided to go for a test instead of socialising, traveling, playing a match and generally interacting.

Thatā€™s 2.7% of the population a week (assuming 4.8 million people).

I havenā€™t heard of anyone getting one in 5/6 weeks I say. Also think about 30% of adults are now vaccinated and wonā€™t need to go.

Something fishy is going on considering whoever owns the labs must be making a killing. It was mentioned here that Tony might be involved with one of these labs somehow.

Every inpatient in the country is either on a 3,5or 7 day covid test regime . Iā€™d guess nursing homes are on a regular enough regime too

Cillian DeGascun is in charge of one of the labs involved, but I think I saw it mentioned before that they are doing on a non profit basis. Theyā€™ve gotten over ā‚¬11m in payments so far.

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My neighbourā€™s son tested positive. Girlfriend has it and a few mild symptoms. He has none. His family all tested and first test negative.

It seems to be in younger people alright but they are not very sick with it.

I was at a funeral this morning and people wore masks but lots of handshakes and hugs amongst the vaccinated people which was heartwarming.

Sure after all the hype about how bad things were in Limerick, there are two (2) people in the regional hospital with Covid.

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OK, but if Billy is in hospital with Covid and has been tested 5 times and tests positive 5 times, surely that canā€™t count in the stats 5 times.

If so, all the daily stats and cumulative stats are a grossly overstated duplicated mess.

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The positive swabs and positive cases were always reported separately and marginally different to account for Billy testing positive a few times.

Cases have been rising in the UK for the past month, but deaths have not. Covid deaths are around 10-20 a day compared to over 1,500 a day in January. The total death rate from all causes in the UK for the past 3 months is lower than the average for the prior 5 years. As we have known from the beginning, this is a disease that simply is not that serious for younger healthy people.

There is no scientific or medical reason why the UK should not be fully open like the US.


Thatā€™s a very good point in fairness.

Do you think there is anything you would agree with that majority of tfkers on with respect to the reopening ? Donā€™t catch me on semantics here either you know what I mean.

Thatā€™s the stupidest point heā€™s ever made on here, out 10,000+ posts.


We will be very soon, I was out last night, plenty of hand shaking and hugging going on in the pub, its over, the people are done with it. London is currently overrun with 20,000 Scottish cunts down for the soccer


symptoms of the highly transmittable and deadly Delta variant include a slight headache and a runny nose. its killing 1000ā€™s in England


We all know what money the top boys in irish non profits are pulling

Such hatred on this thread.

News flash

New variant identified. Its coming from south east Asia, they reckon Thailand. Itā€™s 30% more transmissable than the delta variant

Iā€™m betting this one will be especially dangerous to whatever age group or demographic thatdemonstrates most ā€˜vaccine hesitancyā€™


Isnā€™t the symptoms of the alpha and other coronavirus much like a bad cold? Just more deadly fornthe at risk people?