Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

How can you make the claim?

Don’t do it to yourself pal.


Because it’s a preventative measure proven to work in other countries. Obviously if MHQ is not applied across the board it will not work as effectively as a concept in general as in those other countries, but it will work for people are coming from the countries covered by it.

Our cases have not rocketed, at least so far, they have remained on a plateau sloping slightly downwards. Clearly you’re not happy with that and you won’t be happy until they do rocket.

You might take you own advice there

MHQ? No, I don’t think it has.

ie. apply it to Britain?


It does yes. That’s exactly what it means.

Adding Mongolia to the list while not taking action to stop spread from the biggest well of variant is farcical, meaningless, ridiculous, pathetic, etc.

No, because the system as it operates is stupid.

I would change the system substantially, I’ve previously outlined how, and operate it on that basis.

It doesn’t. Loads of countries were covered by it, including major European ones. Israel has just five countries on its red list.

You’re just one of these people who have decided to take a position where it’s either all or nothing.

Which ironically is exactly the sort of position you’ve been mendaciously characterising me as taking.

Yeah, you want to abolish it. What is the opposite of what you said in a previous post.

The arguments of posters here just get more and more bizarre.

Ewan has a lot to answer for.

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Where did I say that? If the choice is to keep it as it currently operates or get rid of it, then it should be gotten rid of. I would be in favour of a sensible MHQ system.


You’ve just said it again. In this post.

Grand place for a game of 5 a-side soccer in Limerick though.


They’ll push pubs back another month. Narrative really been pushed on Morning Ireland.



Truth matters. Cant believe what you see on the Internet

We have approx 60% of the population with 1 dose of the vaccine and over 20% fully vaxxed. The vaccines all are effective against all the variants. What’s the fucking point of MHQ and restrictions. VOC arguement is an absolute cod anyone who is worried the vaccines are ineffective are in denial that all new cases are in people in under 40 or chose not to get vaccinated

Right wing



Zero Covid

Let it rip

Mandatory Hotel Quarantines


Conspiracy Theorist




Long Covid


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“Variant of concern”

I missed the bit where they told us which variant didn’t really bother them…or was of a bit less concern. Some sort of league table would be in order here. What is the ideal variant to allow lifting of restrictions etc… @mikehunt ?

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