Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

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Sure a lockdown is the only way to avoid a lockdown


So let’s examine how dangerous this delta variant is. The UK currently has 10k cases of Covid a day and essentially all of them are delta. Deaths are now down to 5-10 a day. This low mortality rate is mainly due to the fact their vulnerable populations are vaccinated and the great majority of individuals getting Covid are not getting serious illness.

If Ireland had the same relative number of cases as the UK and all were delta, or 700 a day based on population, you would have one death every 2 days. Although, it’s highly unlikely Ireland would ever have the same rate of infection as the UK though due to population density.

So the country is going to remain in lockdown forever because of the risk of one person dying every two days from a respiratory disease, a disease that now has a mortality rate less than the seasonal flu.

The plot is over that way lads, if you run fast enough you might be able to catch up to it.


Cases are out of control ffs

While I agree that restrictions at this point in time seems ott you’ve been moaning about restrictions since day 1. They’ll fall in soon enough.

The last man standing has fallen.


He was on about the salad window boxes.

It’s now time for TFK to Pivot

Let’s lock down pensioners til all young people are vaccinated and allowed travel.

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Even Shane Coleman has fallen


No plans to delay 5th of July easing of restrictions says Govt
We will see about that Tony’s thinks to himself

You’re in Tony’s head?

They got a nice few clicks off that I’d say.

Very important to keep pushing the straw man.

Indoor pubs were open last year. How did that work out?

Not a strawman. If the unacceptable risk of the delta variant getting in to Ireland is one person dying a day from Covid, the country should never open up. The US is fully open for weeks, and most states dropped the current restrictions used in Ireland long ago, the death rate extrapolated to Ireland is 2 deaths a day. So if the lower band risk with UK restrictions is one death per day and the upper band risk with no restrictions is two deaths a day, are current restrictions justifiable?

It’s a complete straw man.

Sure you’ve been one of the people constantly pushing the “fearmongering” line as a response to any sort of sensible discussion you don’t like about the public health situation.

Anything that’s not a slave to the right-wing think tank funded “Great Barrington Declaration”, in other words, the never to be questioned bible for “let it rip” merchants.

And yet look at what you’re doing here. What would you call what you wrote in your previous post, except blatant, totally evidence-free fearmongering?

That is exactly what it is.

The thing is, the OIUTF crowd here say they’re against “fearmongering”. And yet it is they, you, who are the people engage in it - not those who you accuse of doing so.

It really is the most breathtaking and shameless hypocrisy, but sure that’s all we’ve come to expect from the OIUTF crowd. :grinning:

39 people in hospital. 13 in ICU


Lock everything down

Now that is a strawman.

We are discussing current restrictions in Ireland and whether they are justified, try and stay on topic. What current level of risk of death from Covid in Ireland would you find acceptable? Today or at any point in the future. Sounds to me like it is zero.


Everything I say is an accurate representation of your position.

You’re the the person that’s fearmongering.

That’s the point we’re discussing.

How are you not fearmongering when you say the plan is “lockdown forever”?

It’s literally the most blatant piece of actual fearmongering there is.

And it’s totally evidence free.