Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

If the risk of death from Covid is 1 or 2 deaths a day, and that is an unacceptable level of risk, then it is immoral and unethical to open up. There will always be a low risk of death from Covid, even if everyone is vaccinated (which will never happen), as at least 10% do not gain immunity from a vaccine and there will always be new variants to worry about.

These are very simple concepts, surprised an intelligent person like yourself cannot grasp them.

Like a Tomas Ryan autism rant

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Cormac O’hEadhra screeching hysterically about the delta variant on Drivetime. Wants it all locked down, indefinitely.

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None of that addresses my point to you.

You have said you oppose “fearmongering”.

And yet here, on this thread, you have said, with no basis whatsoever in evidence, that the plan in Ireland is “lockdown forever”.

This is blatant fearmongering.

You know full well what you said is nonsense and pure hypocrisy and you know full well I’m correct on this.

And you’re obviously embarrassed at the correct point I’ve made about what you said, but don’t want to lose face by admitting you;re wrong, which you know you are.

Come off it, mate, even I believe you’re better than this.

He’s some dose that lad. Stupid name too.


My recollection is what Ryan said there seemed quite reasonable, like the vast majority of what he has said throughout the pandemic. He made a logical point.

But I suppose when you don’t like it, you’'ll dismiss it. That’s your form.

No coming back from that. You’ve certainly stuck it to me there.

It is not fearmongering to suggest Ireland will continue current restrictions as long as NPHET believe they are necessary. The evidence is that they will.

You cannot actually address anything in my post so you want to argue semantics, but sure that’s what you spend your day at.


Of course it’s fearmongering to suggest “lockdown forever” is the plan! What else could it be?

It has no basis in evidence, it’s just a paranoid rant.

I thought you were against fearmongering?

This reminds me of the auld battles that @Sidney and @Labane1917 used to have. You’d miss those two posters in particular.

Lockdown forever is the plan, including keeping pubs closed forever as the Irish cannot be trusted around drink. Ireland will be a utopia for teetotaler headbangers in no time.

Ah come off it, pal.

That’s crazy talk.

I had two pints earlier today by the way.

He said he had no data but made a scaremongering claim anyway. You’re here calling others hypocrites over fear mongering. Be consistent


Yeah but my recollection is the point he made was logical. It was a hypothesis. That’s how science works.

It wasn’t either logical or science based. Scientists do not come up with a hypothesis without evidence.

It was dangerous misinformation, like something Trump would suggest.

Well of course you didn’t like the point, so you would say that. Can you tell me what it was?

Nice of you to admit that Trump is a disinformation monger. It has taken a while.

He made a scaremongering point to further an agenda (as is ISAG practice). You play it off because you agree with him.

You’re the biggest hypocrite here.


Just admit you can’t even remember the point. :grinning:

The hypocrite thing really hurt you, didn’t it?

Nice to know I touched a nerve at least.

Just admit you’re a hypocrite mate.

Although, I don’t want to touch a nerve with you. We all know where that ends