Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The people have learned their lesson

Nectar. Brewed from water from the River Loobagh

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Is there anymore on covid placentitis? Or is this just an Irish phenomenon?

Prof Bill Tormey laying into Nphet here

If Heaven truly was a place on it the Banks of the Loobagh would surely be it

Where we sported and played….

Neath the leafy green shade

Verona not taking any shit from Npeth here either

Bill Tormey would be only slightly ahead of Harold Shipman on any list of medical people you’d want to be putting forward an argument.

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He is well respected in the corridors of UL


But probably not so much in the classrooms.

And so it begins. You can forget about eating or drinking indoors on Monday week. So much for mortality and hospitalisation rates determining the level of re-opening. It’s like a NPHET press release from Blue Hugh, the claim of Nolan’s modelling data having a ‘very high level of accuracy’ is factually incorrect and actually laughable also.

MicheĂĄl Martin has admitted the next phase of reopening could be delayed until later in July amid rising concerns about the Delta variant of Covid-19.

The Taoiseach said the Government would follow public health advice if it is to delay the planned July 5 reopening of indoor hospitality, as well as plans to increase numbers allowed in households, and at weddings, and larger indoor and outdoor gatherings.

He has also suggested the resumption of foreign travel from July 19 may only apply to those who are fully vaccinated, depending on Nphet advice.

“Nothing can be guaranteed as of today, and I think there is growing concern in terms of the increased incidence of the Delta variant,” Mr Martin told the Irish Independent last night.

He said the Government did not want to do anything that “undermines” the progress with reopening and that he “wouldn’t be afraid” to delay reopening if that was the advice.

“One of the principles we’ve applied from the get-go is anything we open, we want to keep open. The reopening has gone well,” the Fianna Fáil leader said.

“We’ve managed to reopen an awful lot in society, and the incidence of the virus has gone down, parallel with that. Now that’s largely due to vaccination and people being careful.

"So we don’t want to do anything that undermines that sort of progressive, cautious but successful reopening of society. Those would be the principles that would govern what we may decide next week.”

Asked if the Government would accept a Nphet recommendation to delay reopening by two to three weeks, Mr Martin said: “Yeah, I think there’s been a consistency of approach in terms of our relationship with Nphet in recent times, by and large, overall.”

He said that despite the downward trend in new case numbers and hospitalisations, the Delta variant, which first originated in India, is a “matter of concern to me and the Government”.

Mr Martin said Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan is concerned about the variant. Nphet has been asked to carry out modelling on the risk of increased numbers of hospitalisations if it spreads.

The Taoiseach also raised the prospect of the vaccination programme being expanded in such a way that once over 60s are double vaccinated next month – and subject to clinical advice – excess doses of AstraZeneca could be used on younger age cohorts

Mr Martin met Tánaiste Leo Varadkar and Green Party leader Eamon Ryan last night to discuss the situation ahead of a Government decision next week. “I can’t be definitive today,” the Taoiseach said.

Speaking at Government Buildings last night, he also cast doubt over current plans to allow foreign travel to resume on July 19, indicating these could be altered so people who are not vaccinated are advised against travelling.

“I don’t see an issue with fully vaccinated people travelling,” he said.

The Government decided to join the European Digital Covid Certificate, “which involves both vaccination, recovery from Covid – that you can certify that you’ve recovered from Covid – and the negative PCR test”.

"Now it depends on the type of advice we get from Nphet in the context of the Delta variant data that will factor in and the Government has to consider this,” he said.

There will be a Nphet meeting in a week followed by consideration of its advice by a Cabinet Covid subcommittee later the same day. The following day,July 1, the full Government will meet to consider the advice of the Cabinet subcommittee.

Nphet epidemiological expert Dr Philip Nolan has been modelling the virus throughout the last 16 months, with predictions showing a very high level of accuracy.

Dr Holohan said on Monday there was a “concerning increase” in transmission of the Delta variant in Ireland.

According to him, the growth in the Delta variant is following a “similar pattern” to that in other European countries.

“In the UK, Delta has been the dominant strain of Covid-19 for a number of weeks and now they are beginning to experience a rise in hospitalisations,” he said.

He urged people who were not fully vaccinated to follow public health advice.

Does he not realise he has signed up to an EU agreement on this already?


It’s all about the Delta plus variant now.

Delta plus is a game changer

They’re naming them like apple products now.

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Delta is back and he’s mad as hell.

They can do what they like at this stage

Some virologist on morning Ireland this morning said we should not delay reopenings and should plough ahead*. It’ll be grand lads.

*He’ll never appear on RTÉ again.

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What would he know?