Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Nphet epidemiological expert Dr Philip Nolan has been modelling the virus throughout the last 16 months, with predictions showing a very high level of accuracy.

If thatā€™s isnā€™t a red flag to disinformation I donā€™t know what is. Their models have been shocking.


Good to see the mutant strains making a comebackā€¦variants were just weak, variants of concern not much better really

Good names for bands? The Mutant Strainsā€¦Variants of Concernā€¦Iā€™ve just grabbed the domain names!

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The Athlone Viking tours guy was saying the same thing. Im with him

:joy: :rofl: :face_vomiting:


Maybe those clowns would be better off addressing their shambolic vaccine rollout?


There must be no further delays on reopening. Businesses are full steam ahead on their reopening plans

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The line in the article about giving AZ to the U50s tells me how this will go. It will be presented as ā€œweā€™re pushing back reopening but ramping up vaccine rolloutā€ and one cancels out the other so we are no worse off.

All the vulnerable vaccinated yet still all this rubbish talk. Mind boggling.


If anyone gets sick now itā€™s their own fault for turning down the vaccine.

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I posted yesterday that thereā€™s an inevitability about all this. The schools reopening in January comes to mind with all the mixed messaging, same as Martin above.

All these hapless government ministers being rolled out between Christmas and new year to say thereā€™d be no delay.

Then again in the first week of January to say holding off on reopening for a few days until the second Monday of the year would be sufficient.

All the while it was blatantly clear that wouldnā€™t be happening either.

Iā€™d say weā€™ll be doing well to have indoor dining/drinking post August bank holiday.

Itā€™s actually an ample opportunity to take a short, sharp zero Covid approach once and for all.

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Donnelly was on Morning Ireland earlier setting us up for the inevitable delay,

Not only is Delta more transmissible but itā€™s more severe in terms of symptoms apparently.

ā€˜The last thing we want to do is close businesses after reopening themā€™. If ever there was a spin put on something.

Not being smart but I doubt yeā€™ll have it before autumn.


Unless they get sick from the vaccine

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We need to lock down to avoid being locked down :man_shrugging:

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Itā€™s mad how a small cohort of deranged nutters who have been proven wrong countless times over and still influencing policies.


2021 is a write off, just forget about it.



Anyone come across any articles looking at Prof Nolanā€™s modelling figures against what actually happened?
What far was he out

Forget about 2022. Thereā€™ll be a new variant then

Itā€™ll make divil a bit of difference. The old timers Wonā€™t chance going into pubs for a while and the youngsters will be happy drinking outdoors well into September.

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