Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You’d hope by March 2022 the Irish are just the European equivalents of the Japense soldiers and if things have stabilised across Europe then things might gradually return.

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A lovely bit of kite flying again by the government.

Throw it out there, leak it to a few media outlets, watch the reaction, if there is uproar then we’ll row back and spin it another way.


Covid Claire proposing a three week pause on re-opening. Some immunologist happily spreading the fear here and Claire giving her ample, uninterrupted airtime.

It’s a fait accompli at this stage, Nolan’s projection of thousands of more hospitalisations to the cabinet subcommittee next week will see to it.

And they’ll probably drag it out until after the August Bank Holiday weekend.


If our leaders decide to put back reopening, it means they will have chosen to delay reopening rather than take any reasonable steps to keep out the Delta variant. That might be their most ridiculous policy choice yet.

I think reopening will proceed. I think the public mood is turning (as I predicted it would as vaccination benefits become apparent) and I don’t think “cautious and conservative” has the same widespread support any more.

Whose ear have you got?


Absolutely baffling

Article from 9th June.

Most of these European countries are behind us in terms of vaccine roll out.

I think Nolan is a complete and utter arsehole.

But, he can only model based on current circumstances. Usually the restrictions are tweaked in response to the models, then the models predictions don’t come through, so that doesn’t mean they were wrong.

Himself and Mary Wilson agreed that the Delta variant is transmissible out doors. Mary is a terrible interviewer. At best she sounds deeply concerned all the time and at worst she sounds like she is going to burst out crying.


Tyrone lads are always biting people.

We’re a very pliable people who doff the cap when told what to do by our betters.

I’ve a theory that before the Celtic Tiger the richest people in Ireland were the professional classes by a distance and in particular medics and academics.

They don’t like bidniz men and lads working for MNCs outgunning them and this feeds into a lot of this posturing.

Proposing another lockdown or a delay of reopening businesses when there are literally a handful of people in hospital and we are a fair way through vacccination with all the most vulnerable vaccinated. The bill for this is getting bigger and bigger every week and you’d wonder where all that money is going and where it will ultimately have to come from.


She must be a poster here?

Both herself and Áine Lawlor on morning Ireland are ridiculously biased on the subject, they are essentially zero covid advocates. As we all know, zero covid advocates have categorically lost the argument.


OK petal.

Impossible to take someone still advocating zero COVID seriously at this stage


France From 30 June, according to the current plan, restrictions and the curfew will end.

Does that mean all Covid restrictions gone?

Claire Byrne has pretty much decided we need another 3 weeks before we can eat indoors.
A meaningful Christmas is still on the cards

This needed to be sorted before May really. The vaccine rollout was a shambles and now they are getting cold feet. It won’t be long until we are into the Winter months and if things aren’t fully operational by late August (which they won’t be) then they are not going to lift until late March or April of 2022.

Lads who desperately want the pubs open saying that a plan that keeps the pubs closed is better than a plan that kept the pubs open.

You couldn’t make it up. :grinning:

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