Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Damien English was on DriveTime yesterday evening and was adamant that there would be no change to the 5th July reopening.

It really is. Even NPHET has categorically rejected it as a workable plan or concept.

I’d say poor Damo was sent on a fools errand

“NPHET are idiots!”


“NPHET have said you can’t do something! Trust NPHET!”

The grown ups then spoke.

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As I’ve pointed out to you previously, pretty much every reasonable person in Ireland, and NPHET, have rejected zero covid.

“As I’ve pointed put to you…”

That’s the problem, mate.

And Europe and North America

I don’t consider most of north America a good example on anything, but I suppose Canada is a serious country. That not one EU pursued zero covid speaks volumes.

He wasn’t really, he gave himself enough wiggle room - ‘we’ll continue to be guided by public health advice (Holohan) and by the data.’

Donnelly coming out this morning is only buttering people up before the inevitable next week. “We’ve come so far, made so much progress, we can’t jeopardise that, we’re in the home stretch, nearly there, it’s only another short delay.’

This will never end. We’ve a gutless, weak government who can’t and won’t make any decision so they’ll hide behind NPHET for the foreseeable. When all adults are done the fear will spread to unvaccinated kids in primary schools and those who refuse to take the vaccine.


The truth:

The categorical truth. From the Irish Times’s Europe correspondent, in Oct 2020. That’s the final word on it.

No. The “categorical truth” would come from you and other lads here who have been wrong every step of the way.

Naomi O’Leary. A staff journalist with a failing newspaper. That’s the best you could Google. :joy::joy::joy:

You are some dullard.


We know that Lockdowns failed, spectacularly and emphatically.

Have the vaccines worked? I guess in countries like the US and Israel we will find out over the coming months if they have with restrictions in these countries being completely reversed in the past couple of weeks.

You such a top, top debater.

Did somebody say Japanese soldier in the forest?

We got one.

You so stupid.

Mate, turn off the radio, you’re not able for this.

You’re confusing yourself, now, petal.