Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I don’t think so.

Zero covid worked for NZ and Australia. And fair play to them.

Anyone suggesting it could work in Ireland is either being disingenuous or is a bit feeble minded. It’s been categorically rejected here and across the EU.

That’s not to say that the response anywhere in the west has been perfect, it’s just to say that zero covid here or in Europe is a nonsense idea and you’d have to be an idiot (or perhaps just disingenuous and looking to “wind people up” on th internet, as some people go in for) to suggest otherwise.


Great. So it worked.

So it wasn’t for us.

We were right to pick the path that didn’t work. And you’ll defend it to the death. Something like that.

‘Restrictions are the problem, not the virus’. A neat summary of the OIUTF position from Day 1.

How do you mean ‘worked’?

Nothing ‘works’ with this pandemic. There is the least worst option possibly but even with that there are all sorts of variations.

“A society of all against all is true freedom.”

Yes that’s it in a nutshell. There were cries of “relax its over” “be Zen” etc. “Vaccines are here”. The shrewd observers could see the writing on the wall from the get go. Once you give up all your freedoms they are very slow to come back.
Fully vaccinated people are still scared to meet family or even eat or drink outside. Vaccine effectiveness has been undermined and there is a deep psychological scarring of society. This is in part due to the zero covid headbangers setting the news agenda for the day for the last 17 months and one of the most spineless inept governments of any lifetime really. The whole world is getting back to normal or they are there already. If people haven’t got it by now nothing changes until people start to see through the bullshit. We are just in a perpetual hamster wheel that we cannot get off. There will always be variants, always a need for booster shots, always unvaccinated people, always moving between seasons, always chasing our tail. Anyone who thinks differently or advocates for an unobtainable zero covid is at best a nihilist and at worse doing so for other nefarious reasons like wanting destruction of the country, beliefs on climate change, Universal basic income. We are now at the mercy of a failed modeller. Not real world data. It is starting to look and sound like the tinfoil hat brigade weren’t so tinfoil hat after all.


It did work in certain settings - NZ and Aus - that is very different to where we live.

I didn’t pick any path, and nor am I defending Ireland’s approach to the pandemic. You can be snide about it all you like, but that’s not an argument, as you know.

Saying zero covid couldn’t work in Ireland - which is widely accepted - is not the same as defending Ireland’s approach. Of course you know that too and are being entirely disingenuous by suggesting otherwise.

I thought I was one of the few posters who was in on the conspiracy but fair play to you, you seem to have the inside information as well.

“Widely accepted”.

They’ve largely had life as normal and very few deaths while we know what we’ve had. Given the choice I’d certainly choose to have NZ’s experience of the global pandemic rather than Ireland’s. However, I acknowledge that it was impossible for Ireland to take the same approach. I also acknowledge that NZ and Aus have not had a perfect experience either and there are drawbacks to their approach.

Yeah. People of Ireland, government of Ireland, the leaders of our response to the pandemic, even I would say the majority of specialists in the field. That’s a broad consensus. The same is reflected across Europe. You can’t deny that surely?

These are the same people you routinely dismiss when it suits you, which is most of the time.

The pivoting around variants is eye opening. None of the variants to date have proven to be more dangerous and in fact it’s suggested less for the Delta one.

You have doctors on radio shows engaging in speculation each day with no supporting data. The speculation is always worst case. The same doctor would laugh at you if you suggested cancer treatments on same basis.

I’d have laughed at people before who cited media manipulation but there has definitely been some editorial decisions taken on what message to push on Covid. I suppose it gets them clicks and links and listens as shown by us discussing it.


Donnelly this morning didn’t say that. He said that Delta was twice or three times more dangerous than Alpha.

Another disingenuous response, because what I’ve highlighted is overwhelming consensus, not whether I agree with individual voices.

Your approach appears to be to only listen to the vanishingly small minority of “experts” with whom you agree. Even when they’ve been rejected by others in their field, in addition to government because their proposals are unworkable.

Goalposts moving

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Some of us have better bullshit detectors than others.

It’s more transmissible perhaps but disingenuous to say it’s more dangerous as the vulnerable are vaccinated so Wuhan 1.0 was more dangerous as it was spreading through unvaccinated vulnerable.

They can’t say this and then close vaccination centres for race days either.

Where is he getting this from? In the UK amongst unvaccinated cohorts some of the classical symptoms are similar to a hayfever i.e. runny nose, sore throat, headache. In fact some of the long covid symptoms like loss of taste and smell are not prevalent with new variant. Also he stated that it is far more transmissable outside than “Alpha”. Given that “Alpha” using his words was not transmissible to any discernible level outside what does “more” mean and is it just more scaremongering.

Don’t ask me. I’m only telling you what I heard.