Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You make an assertion with no data, while claiming to rail against such.

ie. You believe whatever you want to believe.

The irony is strong with this one.

Just think. 18 months ago there were lads sitting on their holes, full of self loathing and resentment , poor as church mice and raging at the world for their failings and lowly social status. Now they can view their lifestyle and choices as virtuous, their sacrifice heroic, and congratulate themselves on their moral superiority…while having more money than they can spend.
Is it any wonder they’re desperate to hang on to lockdowns?


That word again. “Scaremongering”.

The word beloved of conspiracy theorists everywhere.

The conspiracy being that a government that has been desperate to open the country up is actually desperate to keep it shut down at all costs.

I suppose youse OIUTF lads have to rationalise in some way how being constantly wrong was actually being constantly right.

This is the way yis do it.

Topline in Dungarvan

“ Due to the serious and rapidly rising outbreak of the DELTA Variant in the local community, including some members of our own staff, our shop and store will remain closed for the remainder of the week while all our staff undergoes re-testing.

We have gone above and beyond the HSE guidelines to ensure all of our staff, their families and our customers remain safe. We urge everyone to be extremely vigilant with their social gatherings, especially at the rapid rate that the DELTA Variant is spreading through all of West Waterford. We urge everyone to heed all HSE advice to remain safe.

This has been an extremely hard and trying week for us, but our main concern is that of everyone’s health. We would like to thank all of our staff for their continued efforts, and to all our customers; thank you for your support and continued patience at this difficult time.

Stay safe. “

What a disgrace. They should listen to the experts here and strike a true blow for FREEDOM by spreading it as much as they can.

As the unhinged conspiracy theorists on comment sections of far right Facebook pages like to say: “where have all the REAL men gone?”

Were you right when you concurred with the NPHET spokesperson that vaccines didn’t protect against the South African variant?

Were you?

Greg is all of us. All reasonable people anyway.

The media are very trustworthy. They have told us so! This is a cracking headline. No lack of confidence at the journal anyway…

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Is she the young wan that Dunphy brings onto his pod the odd time to whinge about Brexit?

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Why does there constantly have to be two sides to this - both sniping off each other? Pro lockdown and anti lockdown? Left and right?

The way I look at it is that it is very disappointing that the 5th July deadline won’t be met and I wonder if there will ever be a right time to open without pain. In the longer term we simply have to open as we cannot continue indefinitely like this, even from a financial point of view. I also wonder that, considering what other European countries are doing, whether we are being too cautious.

On the other hand the Delta variant is of concern, and a repeat of scenes last Autumn in bars around the country could cause problems. And lets face it, it is going to happen with young people in particular.

I don’t think anyone deliberately has an agenda in this - as I have said previously, the virus is still in control and we are still reacting. That is a pandemic.


You couldnt trust anything the French say

Agree with all that. But for the crackpots (the covid deniers and the zero coviders) you’re with with us or agin us.

Hold firm lads, another 3 weeks should do it


It’s so easy to see why New Zealand with their 26 deaths out of a population of 4.9 million would be considered crackpots by people from Ireland with its 5,000 deaths out of a population of 4.9 million.

Once again, that’s not what I said, as you know. That’s another disingenuous post.

No-one over 40 gives a shit once they’ve gotten the jab and no-one under that gives a shit once their parents & grandparents have it.


Apart from people on Twitter, people who listen to the radio and people who watch RTE. It’s a chicken and egg. We can’t open up until these people stop being subjected to fear mongering. But until we open up, they will spend their time on Twitter, watching RTE and listening to the radio